Sudden Kiss - Chapter 49

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It's been 2 weeks  since Junmyeon has seen Joohyun. Ever since she told him to end things, she really meant what she has said.
He's trying to talk to her with all the chances he could get but things just don't work on how he wanted it to.

"Hey! Girl wanna go and have some drink  with us? I heard there's a new bar out there. One of the owner is my friend. Wendy and I will check them out." Hwasa said as she shows her the picture of the new bar she's talking about.

"A friend? Hmm?" Wendy made a weird look towards Hwasa who's avoiding her gaze.

"I still have things to finish up here. I'll come with you guys next time." Joohyun said continuing to type things on her keyboard and couldn't even care less to what Hwasa is showing.

"Next time again? Girl you've been saying the same thing over and over. Why are you doing this to yourself?" Joohyun stopped typing realizing that it's true that she's been drowning herself to work lately.

"It's not like Mr.Kim Seokjin is asking you to do that stuffs. Take it easy. If you'll be like this the whole month -"

"The whole year." Hwasa interrupted Wendy.

"Yes a whole year, then we might kidnap you and throw you at Jun-."

"Girl! We promised not to mention Junmyeon's name." Hwasa closed Wendy's mouth and Wendy had to close her mouth too.

"Dang it." Hwasa slapped her forehead and frowns after. "I just did. Sorry Joohyun. Just kill me Wendy." She overacted.

"It's alright. I think I've fully healed now. You guys don't have to worry."

Hwasa and Wendy could only shake their heads in disbelief.

"Who are you trying to fool here Joohyun?" Wendy fixed her glasses.

"Wendy I think she's telling the truth? She's fine." Wendy can't believe she's siding with Joohyun now.

"That's right! Thank you for understanding me Hwasa. Now you guys should go." Joohyun went back on her work.

"Yeah. And to prove that, she'll come with us. Right Joohyun? Let's go." Joohyun can't believe she got trapped by Hwasa. She didn't know there's something up her sleeve after saying that she believes her.

They ended up going to the bar. Joohyun can't do anything but to come with them. She doesn't have a choice actually, Hwasa has been wrapping her arms around her making sure she won't run away.

"Hwasa we're heading in now. Would you mind loosening your grip from me. I won't run I promise."

Hwasa looked at Wendy asking for permission but Wendy didn't let her to.

"Fine.!" Joohyun annoyingly went straight inside.

The place is expectedly crowded since it's the first opening and it's a big place. Joohyun doesn't like this kind of place but she thinks that it could be her payment for always declining the girls invitation everytime they ask her to go somewhere.

"Joohyun? Are you just going to sit here? You're such a handful." Hwasa sighed. When she came back she brought a drink for her which she didn't like to hold at first but somehow it ended up on her hand.

"Hwasa! Is that you!" The unfamiliar looking guy went to where Hwasa and the two are seated.

"Man what a beautiful bar you have! We'll drop by often here." Hwasa remembered she wasn't alone.

"Oh! These are my office workmates who happened to be my friends. Joohyun the one with unrealistic face with black silky hair and that nerdy looking  Canadian girl which we call Wendy cause, that's her name." Hwasa said.

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