The fake rendezvous

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Before quietly following his twin sister and confirming that whether Romeo is truly an enemy or not , Vic decides not to tell the others about it . He tasked Shen and Craig with watching on the other boys at the Gecko Club while he was away . While all the journalist boys are busy , only one is still free ... Roni Taylor . So as not to let him wander out of the Editorial room , or outside the academy , Vic asked him to come to the Gecko Club room .

Roni : Huh ? But...I've never done an interview before . I-I'm a photographer , not a writer , r-r-remember , de Vissen .

Vic : It'll be really easy , trust me . You just have to talk to Nicky Adrianson , our gymnastic star . She's super friendly , you'll se .

Roni looks down shyly , still hesitating from his comrade's offer . But , before I say anything .

Vic : All the editors are busy , and no one else can do it . Plus , this is good opportunity to get your name out there . Adrianson will be in the gym tonight at six o'clock . Then when you're done , go to others editors . Thanks , i'll see you tomorrow .

Vic walked away and left the room .

Roni : *sight*

The only students who didn't show up for Professor Aria's class that day are Vanilla , Zoe , and Alicia . Vanilla was about to embark on a very perilous canoe trip .

Vanilla : Getting all the way out there will be hard . But tonight there is a full moon , and my Romeo expose is waiting for me at Turtle Beach .

With that , she began to row as the sun set over the horizon .

Zoe : Vanilla is so brave ! She'd face any danger to get a scoop !

In the meantime , Ron's talk with Nicky had quickly come to the final talks . Their conversation had been very pleasant , and Nicky had found that Roni was a very sweet and kind person ... but a bit agitated . When they greeted each other , Roni immediately picked up his stuff and reached for something in his pocket . Instead of joining the other boys that Vic told him , the ratlet went to his room . For her part , Vanilla finally reached the meeting place . The rays of the moon lit a thousand silvery reflections in the sand in a breathtaking spectacle . But the girl was hardly in a romantic mood . After several kilometers of rapids , dotted with sharp stones , brambles stretching out on the water , after two hours of incessant splashing in the face ... she was exhausted .

Venus : Have you enjoyed your little adventure ? Vanilla de Vissen ?

Vanilla : Who is there ?

Above her is Apotre Venus .

Vanilla : Venus ! What are you doing here ?

Venus : I knew you were going to come and risk your beautiful face for a stupid scoop .

Vanilla : That letter...You wrote it !?

Venus : Yes , I brought you here to ...

She appear her weapon on her paws .

Venus : ...have fun , just you and me . 

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