Thursday night THO -continuation-

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Guys this is still Mikel -winks-

Yasss Guys we got a handshake, it is tha BOMB!

Right so we stand in a circle and slap each other on the palm of our hand three times then BOOOOOOOM! We do the NAE NAE! ( Half of us Cannot do the Nae Nae, I won't call no names -Cough Sara , Me, Gabby , Zhyon -Cough-)

Yess and we keep doing it over and over. Then guess what, we had another girl $qu@d meeting. As I said it is private and confidential unless Dominique tells you. So then I approach Adam, and he was giving me Sass.

First of all Adam your a dude so don't give me Sass cause I am a big WOMAN to you (joking) but still don't Sass me or I will show you the pinkie finger.

Then Adam started on Gabby case. Well , I jumped in that fight. The only person allowed to Sass Gabby, are the girls Okay Adam.

Right so I told Adam, " Adam because you look like a woman you don't have to act like one." Or something so.

Then Gabby was like, " Yea with your man boobs." (Btw guys Adam has more butt than Gabby, Jayna, Dominique, Sharissa, Sara and I put together.)

Then I was like, "Adam I have some extra bras home I can bring for you."

You could have seen the shame on his face xD. I felt sorry for him (Sorry Adam).

Then he shot me the middle finger. I nearly cried, because he did not use the pinkie finger, he used the middle finger.

Guess what, I told him," Shove it up your butt,"

Then everyone was like,"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" I stood there with a smirk on my face.


We stood under the bell fray and Gabby told Zhyon that he needs to work out because it tots are sagging, well you know I had to go tell the $qu@d what she said. Then I said we just need to dress Adam up in a dress and wig and he will look like a lady, he doesn't need makeup.Or we could just flat Iron his hair, since it's probably longer than mine HAHAHAHA.

We did our handshake. Then AUNTIE Jessica came outside. She looked really angry. The $qu@d scrammbled hahahahaha.

Then I don't know what she said I cannot remember. (Poor me). So we came up with some nicknames:

Gabby: I think umm I cannot remember XD

Zhyvon: Channa head, because his head looks as though someone threw a doubles on top of it

Adam: Corporal Long Breast, Poor Adam (don't worry Adam, we LOVE you)

Dominique: Umm I don't know

Jayna: Uncle Jayna

Sara: Mad Child Sara

Niemi: NEMO!

Sharissa: RissyBola

Jacque: Brother Jacque

Dyani: Diana Ramai

Then Sergio comes and he is feeling all left out, Poor biscuit.


Btw this is not to offend anyone, please don't take it seriously.

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