DeciBel 2015 <3

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Today Rissy, Jayna, our friend Angel, and Sergio went to DeciBel.Before Rissy and Sergio came, Jayna, Angel and I ate and kind of just explored the booths and stuff.

I thought that Rissy was taking for ever to actually get there but we finally saw them and we met them.

We explored the booths AGAIN and we got free headphones, double insulated cups, flash drives and metal bottles. Yaaaaaas

So then we stood around by the stage. Tori, an actress from PLL was there but we didn't meet her.

Some little girl sang and it was really really annoying.

Then we went in the line for the Zombie Island horror house thing.

Picture a big glob of people with miniature lines sticking out from the side of that glob. That was the LINE. And to top all of my line frustrations some RANDO LADY pops up to us like, "Where are you?!?! Why are you here?!?!? GET IN THE LINE GO AND FORM ONE LINE" I say, "We're a group." And the lady starts yelling again, "UM NO NO NO WE CANNOT HAVE ANY GROUPS." So I say, "Why don't you go and give every single other person here that same little lecture??"

Then she says, "Just form ONE LINE!!!" Then I say, "WHAT LINE?? The only thing here close to a lime is this blob of people here! As far as im concerned the line is FIFTY FEET WIDE!!" Rissy is laughing and still says, "Dont be rude". Angel, Jayna and I say, "She was looking for that". FURTHER UP IN THE LINE NOW..... this random boy just jumps the God damn line!! Jayna goes up to him, "UM this is our space can you let us go there?" And all of a sudden the boy says, "UM no I am NOT letting YOU pass!!!"

Then some random fat lady is like, "Yes man! DONT LET THEM PASS! Let those liars wait RIGHT THERE they weren't in front of us!," Jayna says, "Lady, u must be blind" and then I say,"Lady, at least they can move out of the way unlike you with your elephant self, Where you gonna go?" The lady shuts up and Rissy starts freaking out because she's nervous and scared about the haunted house.

I'm telling her it won't be scary when the lady tries to SHOVE ME and JUMP THE LINE. THE FAT, JUMBO ECONOMY SIZE LADY!! I'm like, REALLY?!?! Oh Hell NO!

I fill up the space and say, "Oh, you wanted to pass, maybe you should have thought of that before you ate the whole of Burger King."

FURTHER up in the line AGAIN, some weird random lady is screaming at a little boy because she jumped the line in front of him and he was trying to get back his own space!!!

She points to all of us and accuses us of jumping the line in front of her and said EVERY ONE OF US was behind HER.I say, "UM, you know everyone that was behind you? Haha, girl PLEASE!" She opens her old run down mouth to say something but security kicks her and her ratchet friends out of the line

As soon as we enter before anything starts Rissy starts SCREAMING!! There's a lady dressed as a zombie and she screams," CLOSE THE DOOR!!" We scream and I run quickly and shut the door. Then she shouts at us and points at a PITCH BLACK ROOM like, "GET IN!!!!!!" Then she says, "THERE ARE EMERGENCY EXITS IF YOU'RE TOO SCARED...........GOOD LUCK FINDING THEM!!!!!!"

We run in and there are things on the floor spraying pur feet with cold fog. We enter a paint splattered hallway which keeps on going FOREVER. People dressed as zombies grab at us from everywhere and then we stumble out into a room with a bed inside . Spiderman were hanging from the ceiling and so were baby dolls hung by their neck. A woman was lying in the bed and a man was lying on the floor with a knife in his hand. A man stood at the doorway holding a bloody hook thingy.and in the corner there is a cage with a girl in it. She is wearing ripped up clothes and she is screaming at us "HELP ME!!! HELP ME!!!!" Of course RISSY SCREAMS, and she jumps in a random boy. The girl is trying to grab us as we rush into yet another hallway with padded walls and finally get out of Zombie Island.

Sergio runs up to us like, "I am going to dance come and laugh at me," So I ask Rissy," He could dance?" And she's like, "NO!!"

So u could only imagine how we disowned him, right. Let's say that dance should have NEVER EVER EVER seen the light of DAY

Serayah McNeill from EMPIRE was there. Jayna and I meet her and took pics with her after Rissy and Sergio leave. She is SOOOO PRETTY and she tells me that I have really pretty hair.

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