chapter 3: The Nightmare🌌

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HI Guys!! It's me Again!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING THE FIRST TWO CHAPTERS OF MY STORY!! I'm ESPECIALLY thankful to those who Voted on My story! Thanks very Much! 💖💖

Also I don't Know what I was thinking While writing THIS CHAPTER! But...
I hope you still enjoy Reading the Chapter!! :)

With Queen Barb:

She had Just reached her palace and she was EXHAUSTED from the Walk. so when she entered her bedroom, she just plopped herself on top of the bed not bothering to sleep Under the mattress. Riff and her Dad were Nowhere to be seen, but Barb didn't care Too Much About it at this point.

Slowly closing her Eyes as she Drifted off to sleep...

With King Trollex:

a faint Scream was heard echoing around him as he opened his eyes and looked around. His Eyes Widened when he realised that he was just floating in a empty Black void all alone."Umm H-Hello?"Trollex Stuttered as his voice echoed for miles. Suddenly he heard a Loud screeching Laughter that tortured his Fin-like ears. he Quickly tried to block the sound with his Hands.

while he had both of his hands blocking his ears, he Felt somebody poking his left Shoulder from behind. He immediately turned around but saw No-one, so he turned back to face the Front but his eyes widened when he saw Somebody familiar who he recognised that  was standing there...

"Looks like SOMEBODY was Too Busy that he Had Forgotten about me!!"Barb Spoke. Trollex smiled at the Sound of her voice But Before he could float Closer to her and hug her, She disappeared right Infront of him. Trollex was weirded out by this as he  looked at all directions to see if he could find barb again.

Suddenly the same thunderous Screeching Laughter came back but now the tone sounded more high pitched and closer to The techno Troll. He Immediately blocked his Two fin ears with His Hands, Trying his absolute Best to make sure That he blocked his ears from the sound. this Time The King felt somebody tap his Right shoulder, then Somebody lifted his right hand off his ear."I'm Behind you now."Whispered the faint tiny voice.

King Trollex instantly faced the direction where the voice came from but then a Flash of light occurred which blurred The Techno troll's vision. this Caused Trollex to feel extremely vulnerable as he couldn't see the space around him, making him a easy target. But after a while, he was finally able to recover his lost Vision which made him feel more Relieved. he also noticed that he was at the Beach where He and Barb would hang out.

He looked around for barb, he searched the entire beach for her but couldn't find her. Then he decided to leave the beach to search the Outskirts closer to the area before going to Volcano Rock City, but before he could even leave, he Heard A faint scream from behind.
The King Turned Around and felt calm, Barb was there with her hands on her hips with her usual Smirk."Barb! I'm SO Glad you're ok! An-"but before he finished, he blinked and he heard that Same scream from earlier only more Louder as a bright Flash of light blinded him yet again.

when his Sight finally Came back, his Green Eyes Widened as Tears began to brim as he Gasped in shock, He Quickly Rushed to the Lifeless Corpse of the Queen as he knelt down next to her as he Began to shed some tears"N-no...B-B-Barb..."the Techno Troll stuttered Quietly as he softly placed his blue hand on Barb's soft cheeks.

Suddenly A small Muffled version of the same high pitched Screeching Laugher started to rise. Trollex began to Panic as He Desperately Covered his Fin-like Ears while closing his eyes tightly."N-No..."The Laughter became a bit more Louder."P-Please S-Stop...!"The Techno Troll Whined desperately as the Laughter Became more high pitched and louder.

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