Chapter 4: The Song+The Letter

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Sorry Guys, I couldn't find a Song with Electric and Rock so yeah, Also this Song Will be divided Into two Parts, one will be Sang by barb then the other Will be Trollex and then at some point they will both sing together. Also I changed some of the lyrics so the Song could make more Sense, So...It may be Cringy.

It was Another delightful Afternoon and the Two leaders sat on the smooth Sand near the shoreline with their feet being swallowed by the small coming tides while they chatted peacefully about random Topics.(Don't worry Guys, Soon maybe in the 5th Chapter They are going To spend an Entire Day together.)

"So bro, I was Thinking..."Barb muttered as she interrupted the ongoing conversation, Trollex eyed her curiously as he Raised his Purple Eyebrow."What Do You Think if...we sing Together..Like uhh,I don't know, like Make a Mixed Song With Rock and Techno? although it's just an Idea."The Queen of rock replied as she shared her idea with her friend.

the Techno Leader Gasped as his Green Eyes sparkled while a Huge Smile bloomed in his face."That is...A GREAT IDEA!! IT WILL BE AWESOME like we could fuse our music TOGETHER and create a NEW subgenre!!!THAT WOULD BE CRAZY!!!"Trollex screeched excitedly at the idea as he Flew into the air in a Twirling way, Acting like a over excited little Trolling.

Barb Chuckled as she stood up from her spot on the sand. "Well, I mean we can't really create a new Subgenre of music but we can still do the mixed song So...let's meet-up Tomorrow in the Afternoon!"Said Barb triumphantly as she placed both of her hands on her hips.

Hearing this, Trollex dramatically stared straight down on the sand as he Sadly Awwed in return while his Fin-like ears Dropped completely. Barb just sighed after witnessing the childish act."Oh Come on! What's wrong my dude?! What's with the drama all of a Sudden??" "It's just...I REALLY Wanted to sing with you Today! You know, so that we can learn More about each other and grow Closer to one another!"replied The Techno Troll not realising what he had implied, Barb Let out a Silent Gasp as her face became red like a tomato.

Trollex finally realised as he blushed in embarrassment while he accidentally Grabbed Barb's Hand And held it Tightly. A few seconds passed, and both leaders restrained their emotions as Trollex finally let go.

"A-Anyways...are you sure that You want to do the..Uhh, S-singing today?"Asked Barb awkwardly as Trollex slightly turned to look at her, still with a faint Blush on his blue Cheeks."Y-yep, I want to." He replied back in an Awkward way.

Barb Smiled in return but then She suddenly Remembered her Guitar and The fact that Trollex Needed a DJ booth for this performance to work ."Hey...Um Trollex, I'm Gonna Grab My Guitar like REAL quick and ahh, are you Able To sing and Play techno music without using a DJ Set?"Asked Barb."I Think I can, Why did you as-" "GREAT! That was what I wanted to hear! Now I'm going to get my Awesome Guitar and STAY here ok?! see ya!"Replied the rock Queen while interrupting Trollex as She started running back to Volcano Rock City to retrieve her beloved instrument...

Time Skip:

King Trollex was Silently laying lazily on the Ground with his Eyes Closed as he listened to The Natural Sounds of Nature. Then Out Of Nowhere-
Shouted Barb while She Started Playing her Guitar. Trollex Smiled as he opened his eyes, he then got up and Started Playing Techno music. Coral blush smiled cheekily as he Slowly Floated a Bit higher to get a Good view, The Others were also very hyped for this Too.

Barb - 🎵Wake up in the Morning Feelin' like A Legend🎵

Barb - 🎵Grab My Glasses, I'm out the Door, I'm Gonna Hit This City🎵

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