Chapter 2: The childhood lullaby

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There's 2 songs in this Chapter :)

It has Been a Week Since That Day where Barb and Trollex had interacted with one another yet...
Barb continued to Visit Trollex in the beach every day and Trollex would always be there, waiting patiently for her.

With King Trollex:

The King was Swimming in the middle of the ocean not too far from the Shoreline as his Head Popped out from the water to Look around.

"hey Bro! Guess who's back?"A Voice called out to him from behind, Trollex Quickly Turned around and he Smiled when he saw Queen barb Reaching the beach as she sat down near the Shoreline.

Then As The king was almost reaching the shoreline, he dived Underneath the water again. Barb was confused but suddenly two neon blue hands Grabbed her Two feet And Dragged her into the Water.

The Queen Struggled to Swim as she Looked At King Trollex who was Laughing hysterically under water. The female Rock troll Felt her Anger rise while the Techno King finished laughing as he Dragged her back to The surface.

When they reached the shoreline, Queen barb managed to escape Trollex's Grasp as she was able to climb out of the water herself. then she began Twisting her white shirt trying to take as much water out of it. King Trollex Crawled out of the water and had to wait for a few minutes before he could finally start floating.

He Floated towards barb, as she turned to look at him with an Angered expression plastered on her face. all of a sudden, the female rock troll Slapped the king on the face with a strong force, the hit was so Strong that Trollex yelped in pain as he Quickly touched The side that was hurting with his hands."DON'T do that Again! you HEAR me?!"Barb screamed furiously as she crossed her arms.

"Geez! Sorry Barb!! But please don't just RANDOMLY SLAP my face all of a sudden!!"King Trollex shouted back. Queen barb seemed surprised at first, then she let out a little chuckle. The Neon blue techno Troll Looked at her with a puzzled look.

But after a Couple of minutes, king Trollex went back into his Happy-cheerful self and Barb managed to restrain her anger.

As the Two were Sitting On the sand near The coming tides, Trollex seemed thoughtful for a while but afterwards he stood up as he Grabbed the Queen's Hands and forced her to get up on her Feet.

"well then, I'll teach you how to swim then maybe after that we can VISIT Techno Reef So you could hear some AWESOME techno Music! because...I'll be hosting a Techno Rave Party today!!"The King spoke while his eyes were sparkling in excitement. then he Slowly floated backwards towards the water as he gently Dragged the Queen with him.

As they entered the water, the Queen of rock began feeling nervous but King Trollex was behind her, supporting her. she looked at him Slightly as he Gestured the  Movements she would do. but of course he would help her by showing her a demonstration of the movement in the water.

After an hour Of practising, Barb adapted to the Water pretty Quickly which surprised Trollex. Then the king realising the time, Quickly made a Bubble heart as he Sent it towards Barb. at first, it didn't seem like it did anything but when Barb Dived Underneath the water again...
she was able to breath and see everything Clearly.

"Ok,Let's go!" "Wait I-"But before The Female Rock Troll could Say anything, the king of Techno Quickly Grabbed her by the Hand while the two trolls began to go deeper and deeper.

This frightened Barb a bit as she tightened the grip of her hand, in fear of letting go. Meanwhile king Trollex wasn't bothered in the slightest as he was using Speed skip which allowed Him to go faster.

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