Chapter 1 : 𝕄𝕪𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤... 𝔸𝕕𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕖..?

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Gingerbrave's POV : 


Today is such a beautiful day outside! The birds are chirping, the sounds of all the young cookies like me running about! I would like to join them, but I have a different plan on my mind right now. I go outside and look around the place.

Pancake Cookie and Gumball Cookie are running about, probably (most likely) messing with some of the cookies, and maybe the adults too. Sparkling Cookie is selling drinks at his bar, with Vampire Cookie being drunk. As expected. Herb is just talking, everything seems normal.

I walk up to the bar, only to say hi, not get a drink. I'm only 12- Too young for drinks at his bar. "Hello Gingerbrave!" Sparkling says as he notices me walking up. "Hi there! Nice morning right?" "Yup. Anyways, what brings you here? If you're here for a drink, you know you're too young for that." He says as stares at me, waiting for me to say something.

"I know that. I just came over to say hi!" I put my hands up into the air. "Good. Also, where's your cane? I have never seen you without it before." Oh right- My cane! I almost forgot it at home! Silly me. "OH WAIT- I did forget that! Thanks Sparkling!"

I run back to my house and grab the cane. My cane is a.. Well, a candy CANE. I also use it when fighting the monsters in the forest, which is why I carry it everywhere I go to. It's to protect myself and my friends because.. Well, unlike the other cookies.. I don't have magical powers.

I walk back out, locking my door and walking over to a group of cookies. I immediately see Strawberry Cookie in the group and walk up to her. "Hi Strawberry!" Strawberry looked up from the ground and looked around panicked, but calmed down as soon as she saw me.

"Hi Brave..." Strawberry waved at me, and I waved back with a smile. "I'm gonna go into the forest, ok? Can ya tell an adult for me?" "Sure..." "Thanks Strawberry!" I yell to her as I run off into the forest, cane in hand, ready for an adventure.

*After 40 minutes*

The more I wandered into the deep, unknown areas of the forest, the more a sense inside me urged to just escape. Excitement. Excitement to see what lied beyond the reaches of the known areas to the kingdom-dwellers (including me). I went faster with every few steps, until I was running at my fastest speed to find something cool out here.

Trees, grass, plants, water ways, normal forest stuff. Nothing really new. There was something tell me that something was here though, in the forest, so I kept running. I used my cane to get past branches and such. It felt like forever since I entered the dark forest area.

Eventually though, I finally come over something. Something bright. I shield my eyes from it and try my best to try and see what it was. The bright glow soon faded away, making me able to fully see it's true form. My eyes shined as I saw what it was. It was a gift with white wrapping, and a brown ribbon.

I picked up the gift. 'This is most likely for someone, so I should bring it back to see who's it is!' I thought to myself as I started to walk back to the kingdom. I held the gift close to me, not wanting to harm whatever's inside. It could be important!


Herb's POV :

Just a nice day of hanging out with Sparkling Cookie and tending to my plants! I heard Gingerbrave went out into the forest, which is typical for a young boy like him. He is also so adventurous, and would try, at any chance he got, to be brave and help out. I just hope he's ok, the forest is a dangerous place.

"Hey Herb.." I heard a voice behind me start speaking. I turn around to see Strawberry Cookie with Wizard Cookie not far behind. "Yes Strawberry?" "Do you know where Brave is? Ever since he left to go into the forest I... Haven't seen him... I'm worried about him...." Wait, he hasn't returned yet? Weird.. He usually only goes out into the forest by himself for about 50 minutes to 1 hour...

"No. I haven't seen him since he talked to Sparkling at his (Sparkling's) bar." I said, kinda concerned now. "Oh.. He's been out for 2 hours now, I think we should send some people to go find him!" I nod and go over to Almond Cookie to report a missing person.

Eventually, Chili Pepper Cookie, Sparkling, Strawberry, and me were recruited. Chili Pepper incase we run into any enemies, Sparkling incase Gingerbrave need to be healed, Strawberry to support her friend if she needs to, and me to make sure the rest are safe too, and because I understand nature.

We walked deeper and deeper into the forest, trying our best to find the lost boy. "Ugh, where is he? He couldn't have walked too far away." I heard Chili Pepper say. She was in the back, with me leading the pack. "Well, he is very adventurous, we don't know WHERE he could have gone!" I freaked out more by my own statement.

Sparkling Cookie put a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, we'll find him." I look at him and see him smiling, so I smile back...

That's when I heard a noise coming not so far from where we were, like something was moving in a bush. I wasn't the only one who heard it. We all did. Chili Pepper immediately reacted, bring up her knifes and run in front of the rest of us. "WHO'S THERE!? SHOW YOURSELF!" She said, pointing both knifes towards the area.

Dead silence. "HEY! WE HEARD YOU YOU KNOW!" She was getting more furious the more the silence lasted on. Then a faint voice was heard. "G-Guys..?" I recognized the voice as Gingerbrave's. "BRAVE!?" I shouted out to the unseen cookie.

Then a shadow walked out from behind a bush, it being in the dark, so I wasn't able to make out the features. What I did see is that, they had a cane... Gingerbrave. "Hi..." He walked out of the shadows, and waved. A soft smile on his face.

"BRAVE! YOU SCARED ALL OF US HALF TO DEATH! WHY DID YOU GO SO DEEP INTO THE WOODS?" Chili Pepper yelled out. Strawberry ran up and hugged Brave, happy he was safe. "I.." He stopped before even getting a second word out, and just stood silently, before talking again. "I just wanted to... Go deeper, ya know? Find something new." He stated as Strawberry let go of him.

"I'm just glad your safe!" "Yeah.. Same.." After that, we started to walk back to the kingdom after finding Brave. I noticed though. Something was off about him.. Unlike his usual chatty self, he stayed pretty quiet. Poking at the ground with his cane or looking up at the sky. When I asked about his adventure, he said he didn't... Remember..?
Something is DEFINITELY wrong with Brave.. He always remembers his adventures, and would go on and on about them.. I'll talk to someone about that later. Maybe Avocado Cookie.

After a long walk, we got back, and people were happy to see us all safe and sound. Once we got back, Gingerbrave just started to walk to his house. I followed him in curiosity. "Hey, you ok? Don't you wanna say hi to people?" I ask him, his eyes looking at the ground. "Kinda, but I'm just tired... That adventure took a lot out of me..." He says as we arrive to his house. "Oh ok.. Well get some rest please.."

"I will." He closes his door behind him and leave me there outside. I thought about how he wasn't very talkative before, but that was probably just cause he was very tired. He is only a kid, so he'll get tired after a LOT of walking around in a forest. I go back to where all the other cookies were, and told those who were confused on where Gingerbrave is that he went to sleep. He'll be his normal self tomorrow!


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