Chapter 5 : 【You aren't going ANYWHERE.】

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Sorry for the long wait time AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- I didn't know what to do for the plot lol. Anyways, here! No picture cause Idk what to make the picture of. Swear warning again!

3rd person POV :

Cookies were starting to get even more scared. Others were disappearing, then being revealed to have been killed. People had started to act strangely, and everything is going downhill for everyone. Devil Cookie and Custard Cookie III are the most out of character out of everyone.

Devil Cookie didn't play pranks anymore, and he'd usually just watch people. He also had a little crack on him, and if someone asked, he would just float away. People were scared, but some thought this was just a prank he was pulling, but most of those people started to think that something really bad happened to Devil Cookie.

Custard Cookie III was VERY out of character. He had became more jumpy than before. When someone were to come up to him, he would always be too scared and run off. No one knew what the problem with him was, or how he got this way.. Other than 2 cookies.

Gingerbrave was already out of character, but even more out of character, but less than the other 2. He didn't come out of his house at all anymore, and when he did, he stayed out of view of everyone..

People suspected him to be the killer, but Custard Cookie III or Devil Cookie would say it wasn't him. And since Custard Cookie III is a nice kid, people believed him. Devil Cookie on the other hand, wasn't believed easy. So Custard had to step in and tell the people it wasn't Gingerbrave.

They believed the 2 and didn't think much more of Gingerbrave, but what they didn't know is..

The 2 were only saying that by Gingerbrave's command.


Time Skip

Devil Cookie and Custard Cookie III had went back to Gingerbrave's house, going in and sitting on the couch waiting for him. Custard Cookie III then couldn't take it and burst down into tears, holding onto Devil Cookie... Everything had been so stressful lately..

Custard witnessed Ninja and Strawberry's murders (one of which he was there to hear). He then got kidnapped, had his left eye get popped and torn out of his head, then had to kidnap Devil Cookie.. He just wanted to go home to Wizard...

He wished.. So hard... That this whole thing was just a very bad nightmare that he was fucking stuck in...

He wished that this was all fake, that he could go back home and see everyone's happy smiles, that he could hear people calling him king... See Gingerbrave himself, Strawberry still alive.. Ninja still alive...

But this...
This is his reality now..
And he couldn't do SHIT about it.

Devil Cookie, despite his lack of care in the pain of others, had hugged the child back. Devil comforted Custard the best he could. He did this cause he too was stuck in this situation, and felt the pain the child felt.. Devil wasn't gonna be mean to a child with literal trauma.

Then, Gingerbrave walked in. "Crying, again?" He looked down at the royal kid, who looked back up at him. "Figures. Anyways, did you get what I asked for?" "Y-" Custard was cut off by Devil who pulled out a glowing gem. "Yes, we have it." He gave it to Gingerbrave with no extra questions.

"Perfect. You can go to your rooms and rest now." Devil Cookie and Custard Cookie III went to their rooms (which are separate because Idk-) Custard Cookie looked at the bed he was given, that and a mirror. He looked into the mirror, his right eye red from the amount of crying he'd been doing the past few days.

He sighed and looked down, wanting to just try to escape...


He could escape... When Gingerbrave goes out for the night tonight, he could try to escape and get to Wizard. Wizard will keep him protected! He has magic! Custard Cookie III thought for a bit, then decided to also help Devil out too.

He snuck to Devil's room and asked him to come with him with hand signals. Devil obeyed, followed Custard to bathroom as Custard Cookie locked the door. "Devil, I know how we can escape tonight!" He said, proud of himself a bit.

"But, is it REALLY gonna work..? Remember, Gingerbrave has a tracker in your left eye, and a tracker in my arm.." Devil said, concerned. They both knew that they had trackers in them at this point, but couldn't get them out because getting the tracker out of Custard Cookie could cause some damages to his brain, and getting the tracker out of Devil could make his arm stop working.

"I.. I don't know... But it's worth a shot! We can't keep doing this anymore.. It's tearing me down mentally to the point where I cry myself to sleep, and you're..." He looked at Devil's hood, before taking it off. It revealed bruises on him. "You're getting more hurt the more you stay here too... Psychically AND mentally.."

Devil Cookie put back on his hood. "You're right.. We can't keep doing this shit.. Ok, we'll do the plan.. I just hope this works." Custard unlocked the door, and they went into their separate rooms again. Tonight's the night.

Custard Cookie's POV :

Me and Devil planned to try and escape tonight. And that night has now fallen apon us. Gingerbrave left his house to go into the woods to find something, giving me ad Devil time to try and escape. I went downstairs to find Devil already sitting there.

"Find anything?" I whispered to him. He shook his head, and I sighed. I look in the kitchen and found a butcher knife, it was not enough though. Gingerbrave locks the doors, so using a knife probably won't do anything.

Wait... Gingerbrave has an axe! I can use that to try and break down the door! "Hey Devil, we need to get to the basement!" I whisper yelled to him. "Why?" He asked. "There's an axe down there! We can use that to escape!"

He then looked as if we understood, nodding and saying ; "Got it." We started to look around for something that could unlock the basement as Devil knew Gingerbrave had a key for that. Eventually though, we found it.

Devil unlocked the basement and we ran in, turning on the light so that we can see what we're doing. I grabbed some food and water and other supplies we'll need and carried it in a bag I found too.

Devil grabbed the axe, and we ran upstairs once we were finished. "Ready to finally escape this fucking hell hole?" He looked at me, determination in his eyes. I nodded, as he started to break down the door. He finally got it broken down enough to where we can get out, and we rushed out of the prison we were stuck in for days.

I sighed a breathe of relief... We're finally out.. We're finally FREE... WE'RE FINALLY-

"And where do you think you're going?"

I looked up to see.. Gingerbrave.. No... NO NO NO NO NO! WE FINALLY MADE IT, AND HE'S HERE... WHY... WHY!? I started to shake in fear as I stared at him, tears starting to fall from my eyes. Devil yelled out "G-Gingerb-brave.. Hehe... Hi...." We were both scared... What's gonna happen now that he caught us.

"That's funny, you 2 thought you could escape. Too bad. I had a camera watching the whole time." He laughed to himself, before picking us up and dragging us back to the house. I was sobbing in my hands as Devil tried to get out of Ginger's grasp.

"I really thought you weren't gonna try. Guess I'll have to punish you 2 SEVERLY for this. Sucks, thought I won't have to, especially to you Custard." I could tell he was staring at me now when he said my name, but I didn't look up... I just kept sobbing.

"Well... Let you tell you something." I felt myself get thrown onto a cold floor.

"You aren't going ANYWHERE."

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