Chapter 8 : Ŵ𝐀ᶤŦ... в𝔲𝐭 tℍ𝕒т'ร m𝓨 N𝕒𝓶𝔢..?

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Since SOMEONE guessed who that ??? person was, I'm just gonna say their name in this chapter lol. (Ruins the surprise/plot twist, but whatever goes Ig-)

Custard Cookie III's POV :

I sighed. Another night of being stuck in this room since 2 days ago. That plan was a total bust, and I regret even trying.. Now everything is worse... My left eye is still bleeding out, and now my right is too, even though it's not popped.. I can't see.

I use noise and my arms to try figure out what's around me. Sense of touch and hearing is really important to me now. "Stupid mother fucker... THINKS HE'S SO GREAT AND CAN DO WHATEVER THE HELL HE WANTS!"

I moved my head to the direction of the noise, knowing it was Devil Cookie. "Devil Cookie.. He kinda can." "How so?" "Well, he and Gingerbrave had been friends, even before all this happened.. He seems evil now, and so does Brave, so of course Brave isn't gonna hurt him.. So he can really do what he wants.. With the permission of Brave."

I heard Devil scoff. "You're right. Wizard isn't himself anymore... Brave must have gotten SOMETHING that takes over people's minds... But the strange thing is that... Why hasn't it done that to us?" I look up at his statement.

He was right.. Wizard and Brave aren't themselves, but yet nothing happens to us? "Why is it like that?" He asked again. "Maybe it just.. Wants to keep us captative? We did show how much we can do with very little time or much thought into the multiple things that could happen.. We also showed what we could do.."

My sentence faded off with my train of thoughts starting.. "We did show what we could do.. We showed we were powerful, capable of almost escaping.. SO WHY AREN'T WE EVIL TOO? IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!" Devil Cookie yelled out.

"As much as I don't want to side with them, the logic here is confusing as hell!" (You're literally LIVING cookies I- WHAT LOGIC!?) "Devil, calm down.." "I'm not gonna calm down! This stupid thing is messing my head!"

I started to get a bit scared.. Devil Cookie hasn't been this mad in a while, he was only this mad when he found out that he had been kidnapped like, a few weeks ago for something.. I lost track of time.

"Please c-calm down..." I begged to him, and he sighed. "Ok, fine.." I then heard him sit on his bed. "Try to get some sleep, ok Custard?" Devil asked. "Ok!" I laid down, putting the blankets over me.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, despite the fact that my head was banging. Eventually though, I did fall asleep.

wake up..

'Wake up....'


I sat up, breathing hard. The world around me black still. I looked around, even though I couldn't see. "Hello..? Who's there?" I heard a young child say. I tried looked to where the sound came from, but being blind makes it VERY difficult to tie a face to the name.

"Who are? Where am I!? Why are you here!?" I was freaking out... "Please calm down.... I don't know where we are.. It's black.. I don't like the darkness.." I felt something hug me. I pat their head. Their hair was soft.

"Ok... Look, it's ok.. This is probably just a dream..." I said to the kid, trying to calm them down. "Oh, ok... Are you my dad..? You look like me." I heard him ask. I was confused... Me? A dad? I'm not even 10 yet! (I head-canon Custard being 9 cause Idk his canon ageewnjnirwjn)

"No. I'm not.. Say, what's your name?" I ask the child, trying to bring up a conversation that didn't include what's happening right now. "My name's Custard Cookie the THIRD, who are you?" I heard him ask me back... Wait, what...?

I was shocked by the name.. That's.. MY NAME! "That's my name!" I was confused like hell.. This kid can't have the EXACT SAME NAME as me! He would be named the FOURTH if he did!

"Huh..? So you're royalty too? And you had my name?" He- Myself? I don't anymore... "No, no.. I mean.. My name is ALSO Custard Cookie THE THIRD!" I could tell he was confused now. "Wait, what??? That's not possible!" "I know!"

I think he finally noticed my eye. "Hey, what happened to your left eye? Are you ok?" "Oh, that... Gingerbrave did.. That..." I replied.. "HE WHAT!? BUT HE WOULD NEVER! Would he..?" "I don't know.. I think he was being controlled... I guess the future wasn't so bright for the king, was it..?"

"I.. Guess not.." He replied. "Well, it was nice meeting you CC, even if I couldn't see you.." I was pretty sure I was gonna wake up soon. "Huh? What do you mean you can't see me?"

"Well.. I'm kinda blind in both eyes, not just my left.." I heard him gasp. "WHAT!? How did that even happen?" I remembered... The time...... Dear lord... "You.. Don't wanna know... Hey, just try to avoid the future I have, ok? This present for me isn't great.."

I could tell he was speechless, but spoke up a bit later. "Ok! I'll try my best! Please stay safe me.. And try to figure out a way to fix your present.." "I will. Welp.. It seems like I'm waking up... Bye.." I waved to him, and I think he waved back. "Bye me.."

Then, right on que, I woke up. At least I think I did. I feel around, and yup. I woke up. I get out of my bed and head to the window, listening to see what's happening. I heard rain.. I guess it's raining out.

I start to think about the dream.. It was so strange..... I was talking to a younger version of myself? A version that didn't understand what was happening in the future, and hopefully avoids this path I'm on.

The dream felt familiar in some way.. But I don't remember ever even having it? Hmmm... I should figure that out later. Right now, I should try to find a way to fix what's happening right now, then worry about the dream.

'I feel like it was trying to tell me something... Strange.' I hold my head, which is now pounding. 'Ugh! Stop it head!'

I hate this present.. I wish I could go back...

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