Chapter 9 : 🄸🄽🅂🄰🄽🄸🅃🅈

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(You know the drill. SWEAR WARNING.)
Snow Sugar Cookie's POV :

Pancake Cookie has been having nightmares a lot... Like, reoccurring nightmares. One night, he'll have a nightmare about being chased down, the next night he'll get eaten alive by a shadow.. Then he'll have more and more, and then the cycle repeats...

I feel so bad for him... He doesn't deserve this... NO ONE deserves this. I want this to stop for his sake and everyone else's, but I can't just magically make this all stop. We have to try and stop it together.. I look back at Pancake Cookie who was eating his food.

"Pancake, are you sure you're going to be ok tonight?" I asked him. He looked over at me, and smiled. "Yeah! I'll be alright! I've gotten used to the nightmares at this point, so I'll just try to fight back!"

I was still worried... If he was telling the truth, then what would happen? Would they end? That would be good, but if not, it could make the nightmares more intense if he did so. I don't want him to risk it, but risking it is the only way the nightmares could maybe end.

I sigh, then get up and go to the couch, watching TV. I was watching the news. Again, just chaos and other random things. I don't watch the news much, but in this case, it's always good to know what's going on in the kingdom other than sitting around.

Then, the news started to talk about something else.. It was a mysterious note found on the ground of the kingdom's entrance. It had been torn into pieces... Unread-able now.. They tried putting the pieces together, but were missing many still, so the message wasn't able to be deciphered fully.

The only thing they have is "The cookies-" "I-" and "Little do they know-". The rest is not found yet. They are still trying to figure out who wrote the note, and what the rest says. I started to the think of who could have written it.. Maybe something other than a cookie? They did say THE COOKIES, so maybe it isn't a cookie that wrote it?

I heard the stairs creak. I turned around, and Pancake was going upstairs. Most likely to his room. "Hey Pancake." He stopped and looked at me. "Yes?" "Please be safe in your nightmare... Just, be safe in general." He nodded, then continued walking upstairs.

I looked back at the TV, changing it to something else. The news was not for my honestly. Plus, if it were to report another murder, that would hurt me and maybe Pancake even more. Poor guy has been through so much already.. Another murder report would probably break him.

I hope he's ok..

Pancake Cookie's POV :

I arrived to my room. I was tired.. Very tired.. But I couldn't sleep now.. The nightmares were too much.. I just told Snow Sugar that I was sleeping so that he didn't have another thing to worry about. I looked at a mirror, taking off my pancake hood.

God, I really need sleep.. I feel so tired all the time, and unenergetic.. And I look horrible. What happened to the energetic, loving boy I once was? Oh yeah.. MY FRIENDS GOT MURDERED RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! THAT'S WHY!

I start to feel anger boil in me, INTENSE anger... WHOEVER THE PERSON IS.. I'LL KILL THEM! "UGHHH! STUPID ASS MOTHER FUCKER!" I grab something, anything near me.. That thing was a picture frame with a picture of me and friends in it and smashed it on the ground. I then snapped out of it.

"Oh.. Oh god.." I looked at what I've done.. I smashed the one thing I still have of my friends.. A picture of the 3 of us together.. Happy... WHY THE FUCK DID I DO THAT!? I picked up the picture frame, the glass was now broken. A bit of glass cut my hand, making it bleed a little.

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