Day 14.1-15.0

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I still feel hesitant, but I also know that he makes a good point. I'm the only one with any combat training. Clarissa is promising, but she needs a lot more practice, same with Bobby. As for Hannah and Charlie, they can only do but so much, and just people seeing two teenage girls is going to make our group look far more vulnerable. Aeoto, I'm not sure about his mental state, so who knows with him. But with this guy, he's kinda on the bigger side, and he seems to know how to fight, so he could be a good asset to our dwindling group.

"I could've killed or robbed y'all easy, but I didn't. And look at your position now. So can you trust me?"

"Yeah," I reply after giving the idea lots of thought. He stands up, reaching a hand to me, so I take it. I brush the leaves and dirt off my tactical pants.

"Good." We walk back to the house in silence, neither of us knowing really what to say. I'm sure to stay beside him, not wanting him to be behind me or in front of me. I have some trust in him, but I still want to be sure that he won't try anything.

"Clarissa!" I shout out, hoping she can hear me outside of the house. She cracks open the door, seeing the stranger that stands beside me. She looks between me and him, her eyes narrow.

"Who are you?" she asks, facing the man. I still don't know his name, come to think of it. He approaches the door, putting a hand out.

"The name is Jerry. I mean no harm, really," he says carefully. She takes his hand in greeting, but I can tell she is still leary, rightfully so. They drop hands.

"I'm Clarissa. What did you do before this?"

"I worked intelligence at the NSA up in Maryland, and was military before that. You?" He replies, keeping his arms flat on his sides. She crosses her arms across her stomach.

"Ninth-grade science teacher in Richmond," she adds, her tense shoulders dropping some. She glances at me, her eyes serious and narrow still.

"Come on in. While we're at it, how about you explain to me why you are here watching us." She opens the door more, inviting him in. I keep my eyes glued onto him.

"Truth be told, I made my way from Maryland to Montpelier, and found my two baby girls and my wife dead at my house, turned all walking dead. I also had a lot of preps, but they were stolen. I was a prepper, prepared for events like this. Well, not walking dead, but prepared for if something bad happened. I've already lost so many, so I just wanted to find people I can help. I don't wanna be alone," he pleads, the pitch of his voice lighter. Clarissa looks at me with a slight nod, so I nod back.

"Come on in, we could use the help," Clarissa says, looking at him with a sympathetic smile. I really hope this man is legit, or else that's on me. I brought him to these people. But he is also military, and is probably reliable considering he needs significant clearance to be intelligence in the NSA. One of the best ways to get clearance in government jobs is through military work.

"Do y'all have any food to eat? I haven't eaten anything in at least a day," he asks, clasping his hands together.

"We don't have a lot, but we have some. We haven't eaten yet today," Clarissa replies.

"What would you like, Pax?"

I look up at her, tensing my jaw.

"Oh, uh, I'm not hungry," I say quickly, looking back down. "I'll eat later."

She asks Jerry the same thing, but I walkaway before getting the chance to hear his response. I head outside to Charlie, maybe get her inside to get some food. She shouldn't be in the rain, anyhow. Her knees are pulled up against her chest, and her head is resting on her arms.

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