Day 20.0

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"I've waited long enough. If I wait too long they'll all be dead by time I get there. Your dad would do the same thing for you if you weren't here. You know that, Aliana," Zachariah says, looking down at his girlfriend, holding her hands with his own. Tears well up in her eyes. I continue to observe, not wanting to snoop, but finding it difficult with how small the space we all share is. 

"It might be dangerous out there. You don't know what you'll face," she whines, looking at him with her brows scrunched and eyes deep set. A few tears start to fall down her freckled cheeks. He wipes them away and bends down, leaving them face to face.

"Look, baby. It'll be okay. I'll be okay. I've gotta do this," he whispers in a soft voice, taking notice that I was paying attention. She leans in for an embrace, to which he obliges.

"I know you do; I just wish you didn't have to." They continue to hug, his hand on the back of her head as he keeps her close. Maybe I could be helpful. I know that Charlie and Hannah should be safe here, or at least they're definitely safer here than out on the road. Maybe I could go with him.

"Can I go with you?" she asks, pulling away from their prolonged hug. 

"No, babe. I can't guarantee your safety if you come with me, and I don't know what I would do if I caused you to be in danger. Besides, your dad wouldn't allow it, either. You've gotta stay here."

"I don't want you out there alone. Nobody should be alone out there," she pleads, pulling tightly onto his black Hollister shirt. A strong feeling of guilt musters up in my chest.

"I-I can go with him. So he has someone to watch his back," I blurt out, sucking in my upper lip between my teeth. I rub my hands against the sides of my cargo pants before flattening my arms against my sides.

"I have a lot of experience out there dealing with those monsters. I insist," I add, looking into Aliana's eyes with certainty, stepping closer.

"Okay, make sure you two come back safely. I will be seriously upset with you, Zachariah, if you get yourself killed. You don't want me hitting you in the head for that," she says with the wag of her finger.

"Threat received, baby," he replies, raising his hands in defeat before leaning toward me.

"You do not want to get on her bad side," he mutters in my ear, tapping my arm lightly with the back of his hand. I shoot out a small, closed-lip smile before giving him a little pat on the shoulder.

"We should get going soon while it's day so we get back before nightfall. Do you know a way avoiding highways?" I ask, trying to come up with a course of action. I'm not familiar with the area, so I'd be afraid I'd get myself killed if I went along with this without deciding our route.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. My aunt and cousins live thirty minutes away, and when I come up here, I go the same way each time," he responds, flexing and extending his fingers repeatedly. Aliana slips her hand into his left hand.

"Hey, Dad!" Aliana yells out, her voice traveling through the home. "Come here," she adds, only for her dad to appear downstairs soon after with the sound of his steps creaking the wooden stairs. 

"What is it?" he asks, looking at his daughter through his thin black glasses and scratching his beard once again. I've come to notice that he does that a lot. 

First Steps | A Zombie Apocalypse Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now