Day 8.1

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The traffic has only lessened to the slightest bit. I've been holed up in the car since yesterday morning when everything went down. I've had to rely on one bottle of half-drunken water and a couple of granola bars that I found in the glove compartment of the car. The rising heat of the day saturates the car with heat. I don't want to start the car unless I absolutely have to since the road is pretty much in a stalemate.

Off and on, it's been possible to move forward some. I've made my way further up the parkway in an attempt to make it to the nearby town, but there hasn't been any movement for three hours now. I've started to think that I'm going to have to end up abandoning ship, braving it out on the road. I see what is available in the car, and to my surprise, there wasn't much for me. I pull off my suit jacket, having already taken off the tie last night. Putting the bottle and the granola bars in my pant pockets, I swing the AR over my shoulder and leave the car. It's a shame that I can't take the gas as well. Hopefully, the gas will help someone else. I make my way across the parkway into the woods.

I turn back at the car, noticing other people exit their cars. I hear a plane noise, looking upward to see a fighter jet zooming toward where my work building is. Something falls from the jet, the eyes of the public staring at the sight. An explosion sounds, my heart feeling burdened, knowing that there were good men in that building. My co-workers, friends. Tears form in my eyes. That could've been me. If I hadn't had left, I'd be dead.

The people on the parkway begin to act crazy, some getting in their cars and charging forward despite the other cars being in the way. Others were running away from the parkway. One of the infected people bites into the shoulder of a woman running off. Screams can be heard everywhere. I hold the AR up, prepared to shoot if I get attacked. I press my back against a tree, partially hidden in the woods. Sweat forms atop my brows. I ignore the screams from the individuals nearby.

Someone grabs onto my shoulder. No not someone... something. I struggle with the masculine figure, not able to use my gun since I am using it to keep it from attacking me. It was a he, but now it is just a monster. I shout, pushing it on the ground. I aim my gun and fire, the kickback leaving my collarbone sore for a moment. The noise was louder than I remembered, a few curious bystanders looking at me with sharp, leery eyes. I keep the gun pointed down, putting my free hand up at them.

"It isn't what it seems. It wa-look out!" I scream, pointing behind them. They turn around simultaneously, one of them screaming. Their scream is cut off instantly as they are bitten in the neck. "Move. Move it!" I shout, the other two bystanders running further in the woods. I aim my gun and fire at the infected person and the recently bit person until they fall to the ground, bringing him out of his misery. I turn around, the other two people still staring with wide eyes.

"If you wanna stay alive, I suggest you stay with me." They nod frantically, their eyes filled with fear and confusion. Whether they were listening to me in fear or not, they followed me further into the woods. We follow the parkway along the treeline, staying out of sight of the cars. After a short walk, we encounter a nearby neighborhood. A part of me wished that the neighborhood was abandoned, but most people were in their homes, not fully aware of the current situation. The panic has probably only just begun to hit other civilians. Hopefully, I'd still be able to go to the nearby Walmart without being in danger. I sling the AR over my shoulder.

"Stand by my side and behind me where the gun is exposed. I don't want any crazy people to try taking the gun." I need it to make it home, and that won't be possible unless I have a weapon.

"Like you?" one of them mutters. I grit my teeth but ignore the comment. I can't be alone when everything has gone batshit crazy.

"If I had any common sense, I wouldn't be insulting the armed man," I say in response to his statement, shooting a glare. "Idiot."

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