Day 7

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I-95 is being regulated by the military, preventing anyone from leaving D.C and the nearby areas. Essentially, the area between D.C and Baltimore, Maryland is blocked off. I've prepared for this sort of thing. Food shortages, power outages, no government control. The whole nine yards. The government insists that everything is under control, but they don't tell the normal citizens of the country what shit is actually going down. I work in national security, and I damn well know this thing isn't ending anytime soon. The government is already losing its grasp on the situation because of the quick spread of the illness. The President and other officials are already in Mount Weather. I actually probably know more than I'm supposed to know, but I have connections with someone in the CDC.

The military has been setting up checkpoints and has already had to set up extra tents outside of the hospital. It won't be long before they set up FEMA camps. Panic has already set over the population. The stores are being raided. People are being killed over supplies. Who knew the world could go to hell so quickly. I just wanna go home and give my wife the biggest kiss. And my kids the biggest hugs. It's only been a few days since I've seen them, but with being trapped in Fort Meade, it's felt like I've been here for weeks.

It really sucks that all this shit is going down when I'm away from home. That would, of course, be my luck. I just pray that my family is taking the proper precautions and drills. We actually have a bunker in our backyard in the semi-countryside. The property feels like it is deep in the countryside with the aged trees and farmland that complimented the land. Montpelier was the best I was able to do with living costs without getting a crappy home. Montpelier was the cheapest option for wanting the amount of land I now own. The two-hour drive to work really set a lot of gas money as a part of the budget. Often I'd stay for a couple of days with a friend in D.C. before returning home.

I sigh loudly after thinking for a while at my survival plan. I twiddle with my tie, the rank smell of people not being able to shower already evident in my workplace. I wanted to go out and leave, but it's extremely dangerous. Those things that are out there, they aren't human anymore. The CDC in Atlanta is in contact with locations around the world who are also trying to discover a cure, but the results have been nil thus far. I don't think a cure will come out of this. I just have that bad feeling.

Sirens begin blaring across the building. My eyes widen. This means that somebody in the building is now infected and they are beginning the lockdown process to contain it. I begin running toward the nearest exit I'm aware of. Chaos ensues as people worry about the situation. Whoever managed to make it in here was sneaky, considering out temperatures would be checked before entering.

I reach near an exit, a man clad in military uniform stopping me.

"I'm afraid I can't let you leave," the man says with a neutral tone of voice.

"You have to let me, man. I've gotta get to my family. I can't stay here with them in immediate danger, "I try reasoning, looking down at him with the couple of inches I had on his height. "Alright," I say, putting my hands up. He laxes. Suddenly, I grab ahold of his gun, trigger firing it. I push the gun up to the ceiling, holes being made with the bullets. It stops firing, so I knock him out with the butt of the gun.

"Don't make me use this," I say as I back out of the building, pointing the gun toward the men who have their guns facing me. The guns begin firing, so I run off, avoiding getting hit. A couple of men chase after me, leaving me with no choice but to hijack a car. I wanted to reach my car which holds my bug out bag and my 9mm, but there was no time since I am being shot at. The car starts, luckily the idiot left it unlocked with the keys in the console. Probably didn't expect anyone working in National Security to break in. Quite ironic, I suppose. I speed the car off, the entrance to the parking lot highly regulated, and not letting people enter or leave. I swerve the car and decide to take my own route.

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