Day 12

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The sun shines bright through the wide classroom windows as I look outside, hoping that my fiancé would just appear in the field. I jump in surprise when someone taps my shoulder, instantly snapping me out of my trance. The girl who I now know as Charlie steps back as I turn around.

"Oh. Sorry, Clarissa. I didn't mean to sneak up on you," she says quietly. "I just wanted to let you know that it is lunchtime. I have some leftover black beans from the can. They're cold, but they ought to do for now," she persuades with a dim smile.

"Oh, I don't need any. How 'bout you give that to Hannah. She hasn't eaten in days," I respond, pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear. She smiles meekly again before walking off. I look out to the field again before a dull ache floods my body. "Please be out there, Taylor. I'm counting on it." A warm breeze blows through the room when someone opens the window. I roll up the sleeves of my jacket which was still bloodstained. The night we left my apartment was chilly, so my only option for a jacket was the bloody one.

I look around the room for the Private. He has one of the walkies that is on the military's wavelength. I want to see if there is anything extra to be told to us that isn't being covered on the news. I finally find him in the hallway, leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. Poor kid. He's basically been left in charge of things around here since most people see him as the face of the military. I can tell he's overworked and worried about everything.

"Hey, Private. Are there any updates on what's going on?"

"It's just Paxton," he says in a dull voice, looking up at me for only a moment. I squat down to be closer to his level. "Up in, uh... northern Virginia, there's a temporary base. They aren't letting people in unless you live in the town already. Winchester?" It must be a small town.

"Probably a pipe dream," I mutter, rubbing my tired eyes.


"Are the military gonna come back?" I ask, his eyes reaching mine for a moment. He hesitates to speak. "They aren't," I add hopelessly. I look down at my hands, massaging the side of my right thumb.

"I want to take a few people to scavenge some food from abandoned homes. I'm sure the owners won't mind." I can't help but believe that they are dead with everything I've seen on the news.

"I can take you and a couple of other people," he replies, standing up. He rubs his hands against his cargo pants before swinging his gun over his shoulder. The army green bookbag is swung onto his other shoulder. Before I manage to stop him, he already turns down the hallway to the exit of the building. I pick up the pace to catch up to him before he exits.

"Wait!" I say, pulling onto his shoulder. He turns, adjusting the strap on his bag. "I said that I was going to take a few people. You need to rest. I've barely seen you sleep since I've gotten here. I think I can handle myself out there," I reassure, glancing at the exit for a moment.

"Okay. Take this," he says, looking up at me as he takes a holster off his waistband. My eyes widen at what is in his hand under the leather. A gun. I've never shot a gun before. He reveals an all-black gun from its holster.

"The safety is built-in with the trigger. You pull this back to load the barrel. This button here releases the cartridge. Fifteen bullets fit in each magazine. Here are two extra magazines in case you need them, fully loaded. You can take my bag to fill up on supplies." It takes me a second to process everything he said about the gun, staring at the number dauntingly. I lick my parched lips before taking hold of the gun.

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