chapter thirty - risky

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posting for our collective husband's birthday :p

tw: ungodly amounts of smut, overstimulation, public sex, toy play (is that what it's called idk), cringe fluff, and idk if there's more find out lol 

i finish my shower before climbing back into bed. i had his shirt and my underwear on, i turned on my favorite horror movie - the conjuring - as i waited for him.

about 45 minutes into the movie, he comes back in, scaring the ever-living shit out of me. "jesus christ," i say as he chuckles.

"movies without me?" he asks as he changes into sweatpants.

"mhm," i nod my head. he untangles the sheets from my legs and replaces it with himself.

"what are we watching?"

"patrick and vera be super hot demonologists."

he chuckles, "really?"

"mhm. it's the conjuring," i set my chin on his chest, looking up at him. "you have fun out there?"

"not as much as i have in here."

"well of course not, i'm quite amazing."

"you are," he pulls me closer to him and reconnects our lips.

my sensitivity flares as he reaches into my underwear, briefly rubbing my clit. i moan into his mouth and he pulls back, "we're supposed to be watching a movie," i say as he smiles at me.

"then watch the movie, i'm trying to do something," he sits us up on the bed, turning me around, setting me back in between his legs, and pulling my legs on either side of him. he pushes his knees upwards, forcing my legs apart- not that i was complaining.

i was so sore and sensitive that it hurt as he continued rubbing my clit, but also felt incredibly amazing.

i whimper as my legs start to tremble again. my head lays on his shoulder as i moan repeatedly.

"it's quite fun in here, isn't it?" he asks. i don't answer, my breathing suddenly halting for a minute before i moan again. "use your words, love."

"yes," i stutter out as my orgasm overcomes me.

"there she is," he says. he pulls his finger from my underwear and brings them to my lips, "open."

i let him slip his fingers into my mouth, he groans as i swirl my tongue around them. he slowly pulled them out, then tilted my chin back so he could kiss me. by now the movie had turned off, just playing the beginning music over the menu screen.

he breaks the kiss and reaches over - without pulling away from me - and turns the movie off. he pulls me back to face him. he smirks before leaning in again and kissing me. he wraps my legs around his waist, losing me more.

his tongue explores my mouth, groaning lowly as i push his neck closer to me. when we finally stop kissing he smiles at me. "what are we doing?" i ask.

"making out like horny teenagers," he looks at my plump lips with admiration. "now i'm gonna leave hickies all over you."

"bad hand," i warn as he pushes me onto my back, placing himself ontop of me.

"not that bad," he pushes my shirt up.

"then what was yesterday? and this morning?"

"me making you work for it. no more talking unless it's those little phrases you moan when i make you feel good," he says between kisses.

he painfully and pleasurably sucked on several spots. leaving bruises on my neck, collarbone, and all around my breasts.

he makes his way to my thighs. he pulls them apart and chuckles - like he'd had a brilliant idea. he leaned down and left hickies on each of my thighs. he spends a while on each one, seeming to go in a pattern on each leg. i moan slightly, making him chuckle.

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