Forest Walk

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Jay laid on his back, trying to breathe regularly. His brain couldn't process what had happened.

And what almost happened.

One of the staff had come knock on the door, interrupting the young men. He had asked if Jungwon could go with him, leaving Jay alone with his thoughts.

Did I dream or did Jungwon put his hand on my hip bone? How did he go from almost ignoring me to touching me so... so freely?
Maybe I should have kissed him first. How could I know he wanted that too after how he behaved?

He checked his phone.

9:36, I should start getting dressed.

The blond got up and remembered he wasn't technically in his room. He put his slippers and headed for the three beds room.
He found Jake, already dressed, trying to wake Sunghoon up.

"Hi Jake" he greeted.
"Hey boy" replied the Aussie.
"Snored well?" asked Sunghoon suddenly awake.
"I knew you weren't sleeping!" said Jake, looking at Sunghoon, who acted shocked.
"Did you end up sleeping on the couch?" asked Sunghoon, smiling at Jay. He already knew the answer but wanted to tease him.

"No, I slept with Jungwon" replied Jay. He paused and realized what he had just said.

"I mean I slept in Jungwon's room" he added quickly, embarrassed.

Jake and Sunghoon laughed so hard they cried a little.
"Shut up" said Jay, taking his clothes and leaving the room as fast as he could, facepalming himself in his head.

That wasn't the smartest thing to say.

It was 9:50 and they were all gathered in the kitchen. Niki was upset about the room changes and wanted to change his as well.

"Don't want to stay with me?" asked Heeseung, acting like he was hurt.
"That's not what I meant, but changing rooms in the middle of the night sounded fun!" explained the youngest. "And the staff came earlier to wake you up, so I want to avoid it tomorrow."

Heeseung quickly looked at Jungwon.

"Why did the staff wake you and Jungwon earlier?" asked Jay, curious.

He looked at Jungwon and saw him looking away. He seemed upset.

What on earth happened when he left the room this morning?

The staff arrived at this moment.
"Hi everyone! Did you sleep well?" they asked.

Everyone nodded and Jake elbowed Sunghoon, who started laughing. Jay saw it and sweared in his head.

"This morning you guys will go hiking!" they announced. "There's a mountain nearby and the view from the top is amazing."

The members were excited, this sounded like a cool adventure.
The staff gave them hiking equipment and drove them to the starting point.

The hike started and Niki was the most motivated. He walked quite faster than the rest, so after a few minutes, Jungwon asked him to stop and wait for the other members.

They continued walking through the forest like that until the top. At times, one of them wanted to stop, but the group motivated them to go further.

At last, they arrived on top and saw a beautiful scenery unfold in front of them.
They could see a city further on the left, a river next to it and the forest underneath them.

"Isn't that our cabin?" asked Sunoo, pointing at the middle of the forest.
"I think it is" confirmed Jake, his hand on his forehead.

"Congratulations!" said a voice behind the group, startling the members.
They turned and saw the staff approaching them, clapping their hands.

"I think you guys deserved a cool picnic on top of the mountain!" said the first staff.

Sunoo instantly jumped around, soon gathered by the rest. They were all hungry from the hike.

They helped the staff set up a big blanket on the ground and take the food containers out of the bags.
They ate well, enjoying being together in such a beautiful place.

When they were done, one of the staff gave each of them a form.
They had to answer questions about each other.
They spent half an hour doing that.

After the forms, the staff explained the next activity.
"This one is designed to see if you can trust each other" he said. "One of you will be blindfolded. The others will throw this shoe and have to guide the blind member to find it. You can't touch him, just talk."
"That seems easy" said Jake.
"That's because I wasn't done" replied the staff, laughing. "Before going after the shoe, the blind folded member must spin around. Who wants to go first?"
"I recommend Heeseung, he's the oldest" said Sunghoon, receiving a hate gaze from him.

They started playing and Niki enjoyed giving the members false information to prank them. They took turns and Sunoo did the best, perhaps because Niki didn't try to prank him.

When all had successfully found the shoe, another staff joined them, with the forms from earlier.

"Guys, could you gather please?" he said seriously. "We've taken a look at your forms, and it confirms what we had thought."

Curious, the members were listening carefully.

"As you know, you have taken personality tests back in Seoul. We took that in consideration and added the information from yesterday's pointing game and today's form, and we are now ready to announce Enhypen's leader" he said.

They were so shocked they kept saying "booya", especially Sunoo.

"It's happening so fast!" said Jay.

"You're right, it usually takes a bit more time, but you guys spent three months getting to know each other in I-Land, so we think it's fine" explained the staff.
"That makes sense" replied Jake.

"As you may have noticed, we asked Jungwon and Heeseung to come with us earlier this morning. We interviewed them because they were the two candidates to become leader. Heeseung has said that he didn't want to, whereas Jungwon said he would. They haven't talked about it because we asked them not to" continued the staff

The guys looked at Jungwon, calling his name and patting his back. 

"Today's form confirmed that Jungwon would be a good leader. He was voted as the member who takes the most care of others, who can keep his calm in difficult situations and who can solve problems. You guys described him as a good and responsible friend" he added. " Now only one question remains. Jungwon, do you accept being the leader?"

Jungwon was feeling shy. All the members were looking at him.

"I do" he confirmed. "Thank you for trusting me with this. I'll try my best to make Enhypen the best group!"

They all cheered for their new leader and hugged him, calling him Jung-One.
The staff then asked them to say a few words to the newly designated leader.

After this announcement, it was time to go back to the cabin. They talked a lot while walking. The fact that they had decided on Jungwon as the leader was one step further to achieve their goal of debuting. That made them very happy. 
Jay was walking behind Jungwon, admiring his broad shoulders as he walked.

It suits Jungwon so well. He'll be a great leader.

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