when he is in trouble

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Haru draws something in her book. She really likes drawing. "Appa where did you learn to draw?" She asks randomly. I sit next to her on the floor and hold some of her colour pens.

"I alsways tried to draw a motor when I was young and it never worked, but I never gave up."

"You can draw so good." She looks at me.

"Excuse me look at you picaso." I pinch her cheek.

"Daddy.... you still love mommy right?" I know what she means, she is scared. And I feel so sorry for what she heard.

"Of course baby." I cup her face. "I love your mom okay. And I love you, dont ever doubt that."

"But why are you staying here?" She is so smart.

"Baby.. I .." and then the doorbell goes. Jimin is inside right. But the bell went again and again. "Stay here." I say to her and walk out of the room. Where is Jimin? Is he having a girl over? Is he even home? With a sigh I open the door and I freeze. Suga. Lisa her older brother, what is he doing here?

"Jungkook." He steps foreward and hold me by mine shirt as he pushes me backwards. "What the fuck have I seen on the news?" Oh no, he saw it too.. I try to make things better and now he comes in the picture.. "she kicked you out of the house right." He needs to shut up or Haru will hear everything! "I hope she wont take you back, because you dont deserve her." He pushes me to the wall and stands tall. "I trusted you man, what were you thinking!" He pulls me and pushes me again to the wall, my head hits the wall and it kinda hurts.

"Listen." I say.

"What is there to listen." He laughes. "I saw everything, everyone saw it." My head is bonking, before I know it he pulls me and pushes me again to the wall, Im pretty sure my head is bleeding.

"What the fuck are you doing Jungkook!" Jimin walks out of his room. "Suga?" He freezes. "Let go of him."

"This is not your buissnes." Suga says coldly.

"You kidding me? Its my house." Jimin now says. "Where is Haru?"

"In the room.," I say and Suga pull on my shirt again.

"You shut up." Suga says to me.

"No you shut up, she will hear everything." Jimin says and walks to the room, I hope she is okay and is drawing.

"You can rot Jungkook." He is angry at me. "How can you do that to my sister?"

"Let me talk hyung."

"Shut up!" And pushes me to the wall again. He needs to stop man. "You have no right to speak." When he is angry... I dont want to disobey him. Because I know him well and he can get very angry. And I dont want that now, because Haru is in the house. "I fucking trusted you." And my head bangs tot he wall again. Now Im pretty sure Im bleeding.

"Let me go." I say and hold his hand trying to stop him. Im done playing this innocent. He now punches me in the face, Im not stabe and I know that, leaning against the wall I open my eyes.

"Yoongi?" Her voice. Lisa, am I dreaming? Seeing her figure behind Suga, she walks up to him and pushes him away.

"Lisa?" He is confused. Im not able to stand any longer so I slide down and sit, trying to keep my eyes open. "What are you doing here?"

"Stop!" Lisa says. "How can you, how could you?"

"He fucking hurt you!" He points at me. "You want him back? Dont let me laugh."

"He is my boyfriend Yoongi, the father of my daughter, you cant just... do this." He is my boyfriend she said, she said that! Fuck... "its between us, not you.."

"I thought..."

"No! You cant just beat him.."

"Please leave..." Lisa whispers.

"Eommaa!!" The door flew open and Haru runs up to Lisa. Jimin walks behind her.

"Sorry I couldnt hold her inside any longer." He says. Lisa looks at Haru and kneels down hugging her.

"Ungle Yoongi." She smiles and touches his jeans. "You came?"

"Im leaving Haru." He says and ruffels her hair before he walks away, he gives me one last look and he is gone. Haru her eyes fall on me and she gasps.

"Appa!" She rushes to me and sits on my lap. "You okay? Jimin oppa call an ambulance, appa is bleeding." She says as she touches my face.

"Its okay baby." I smile seeing her this worried. Now Lisa kneels next to me as well.

"How about you get daddy an ice pack." Lisa says as she looks at me. Haru nodds and goes to the kitchen as Jimin follows her. "Im sorry.." she whispers.

"Its not your fault.. I des.."

"No you didnt deserve this." She says and cups my face. "Lets go see a doctor."

"Its just blood." I say.

"You sure? You okay?" She asks. "Lets clean it up first" I nodd and lean my head against the wall, looking at her as she inspects my face. "I missed you " she whispers.

"Yeah?" I chuckle. She holds my hand and nodds. "Are we good now?"

"We are." She mumbles.

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