when they love

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Waking up on the weekends gives another vibe. Looking at my right I see Jungkook is still asleep. His arm on top of his head, mouth slightly open and his torso showing. The wound behind his head is healing slowly. He went to the doctor eventually, he will be okay. Giving him a kiss on his chest I stand up and go to the kitchen, where I spot Haru. She was in her own world, stiring the egg in a bowl. "Haru, what are you doing?"

She looks up and froze. "Umm, I wanted to make breakfast." So cute, I smile and cup her cheeks.

"I love you princess, let me help you." I say and get a plate, while she pours the eggs in a pan, letting her sit on the counter as I slice some tomatoes. "You woke up early?"

"Kinda." She nodds and watches me. "Mommy.. do you love daddy?"

"Of course baby." I smile.

"I mean, were you mad at him? Is that why he was at Jimin oppa?" She wants to know everything.

"I needed some time alone." I tell the truth.

"And now?" She wiggles with her leggs. "We all together?"

"Yeah we are, I promise. Always, you, daddy and me. Always." She smiles and pulls me in for a hugg.

"I got scared.. seeing you yell at appa, I thought you didnt love him." Aw my baby..

"No, dont think like that! Sometimes little fights happen, Im sorry you saw that Haru. I love your dad okay." I look at her and wipe away her tear. "Dont cry okay." She nodds.

"Of course mommy loves me." Its Jungkook, Haru and I both look at him. He closes the door of our room and pushes his hair back. Shirtless he smiles as he walks over trowards us. "My girls making breakfast?" He chuckles as he wraps his arm around mine waist and kisses mine cheek. Haru looks at us with a smile and Im happy that she is all smiley. Of course she wants her parents to be together. Jungkook stands infront of Haru now. Holding her little hands. "You slept good?" He asks as he plays with her hands.

"Yeah, no nightmares."

"Really! I told you my protection of boxing always helps." He kisses her forehead. "Lets set the table."

"Daddy where is your shirt? Its cold, you will get sick." Haru always thinking about her dad. Jungkook smiles and looks at me.

"Mommy has my shirt." He chuckles and helps her off the counter. He just looks at me playfully and I roll my eyes. "Dont worry, I wont be sick." He whispers to her as the both set the table. Getting the food ready I serve it up and we sit at the table.

"What do you want to do Haru?" I ask her, because we are both off from work today, we like to spend time all together. Haru thinks and licks her lips while Jungkook looks at her for answeres.

"I dont know." She looks at her plate.

"There is this picknik at a park, you want to go there?" Jungkook asks and I cock my eyebrow looking at him. "Jimin invited me." He nodds.

"Picknik yay!" Haru swings with her arms. "Im going to get ready!" She jumps out of her chair and runs to her room. Watching her I smile.

"Let me make something small." I say and stand up. "Onigiri will do right?" I look at Jungkook who was chexking his phone. "Jungkook?"

"Yeah yeah, Jimin also has stufs so actually you dont have to."

"Well you know me.." i smile and walk to the kitchen.

"Yup I know." He smiles and stands up to clean the table. I was done quick and Jungkook was ready dressed waiting for me. He was helping Haru with her jacket, hearing them talk about why am always late I laughed. But hey I needed to clean the kitchen. Laven the room I see them watching me.

"Mama is ready!" Haru jumps and holds my hand. "I won daddy! She wore a dress I told you, its her favorite." Cocking an eyebrow up I look at Jungkook who looks at our daughter.

"Wow unbelievable." I whispered.

"I thought you would wear jeans with a blouse." He says as he walks to the door holding a bagg of food.

"Just walk Jungkook, Haru knows me better than you do." And I pinch her cheek.

"I guessed okay." He sighs waiting for us. Haru just laughes and points at Jungkook. Driving to the place we listened to music on the way, Haru was just talking about Jimin, about how long she didnt get to see him and also about the girls. Jennie and Rosé. getting out of the car when we parked Haru looks around, spotting Jimin he sits on the grass watching his phone. I see Rosé amd Jennie sitting at a picknik bench, they wave as they see us.

"Jimin oppa!" Haru runs up to him, he looks up and smiles. She ran super fast so she jumped on him and they both fall. Haru lays on Jimin now and starts laughing.

"Haru, carefull." Jungkook says and walks over to them while shaking his head.

"Did you miss me that much?" Jimin chuckles. Haru nodds and sits up now. "Hey Lisa." He says still holding Haru close to him. I love that they are bonding.

"Haru what about us?" Jennie shouts now.

"Go." Jimin says and helps her stand up.

"Whatsup?" Jungkook sits down and gives Jimin a fistbump. "Lisa made some food though."

"Thats nice Lisa." He smiles.

"Always.. Im with the girls." I say and head over there. Haru sits on the bench talking about her day, how she wanted to make breakfast.

"You grew up Haru." Rosé says as she plays with her hair. Haru gets shy and leans against me, she hasnt seen Rosé in a while. Then Jungkook looks at me and smirks.

"And very smart." I say kissing her cheek. She runs to Jungkook and let herself fall on his lap. Its too cute. "How was it woth Jimin?" I ask.

"Nothing... we just drinked and he showed me his music." Rosé says. "I dont think he is interested at all."

"Rosie, Jimin focuses on his work.. you know." Jennie says.

"Yeah, I can ask Jungkook to get some information." And now they look at me. "Or I can ask."

"That will be obvious." She facepalms.

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