when she is danger

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After bringing Haru to Jennie I was on my way to this dinner. I was going alone, what never happens actually. But I know the adress and it was near by so. Parking the car I get out and lock it. Walking in the building I get seated and wait. Ive never been here before. Looking at my messages. I see Jungkook sent a picture of the studio.

Its out!
Im out with Jimin

Im sure they will love it

I hope so.

They will

You arrived already?

Yeah  waiting now.

Maybe if your done early,
You can meet us.


I would love that.

I know Jungkook
And Im sorry

No problem.

I love you

I know.

Oh wow
Need to goo
Have fun, but not too much fun

I see a man walking up to me. "Mis Lisa, will you follow me." He says. Nodding I stand up and follow this guy. We went to the elevator and its too silent, what makes it super awkward. Following the man he leaves me alone in a big room with a tv and some chairs. What am I doing here? Looking around I decide to leave, it just doesnt feel right. When I walk to the door a man pushes me back, where did he came from? How. I pushed to get through, but he pushed me into a seat and watched me with a serious look.

Then someone walks in, this girl, not her again. I couldve known. Winter walks in with a smirk on her face. "What? You thought you had  buissnes meeting." She laughes and stands infront of me. "You still didnt leave Jungkook huh, after I told you that Im pregnant you still up to his ass." She now sits on the table.

"Why should I? I believe him." I say swallowing.

"Yeah you do? Sweet." She then picks my phone and presses my finger for the scan, she looks through it. "I asked for his number, you didnt give it huh. So I will do it this way."

"Give it back." I stand up but she pushes me on the chair.

"Wait, Im almost done." She says and calls with her phone.

"He wont pick up." I say. Numbers he doesnt know he wont pick up, Winter sighs and calls with my phone and set it on speaker. She hands me to speak and I just look confused. What is she planning to do?

"Hey baby,  your coming?" Jungkook answers excited.

"Hi.." I say and Winter gets the phone from me.

"Jungkook, your here now or I will hurt your girlfriend." Winter smirks.

"Wait, what the fuck? You kidding..." He shouts. "Back off Winter, I mean it." He says and Winter just ends the phone call. "He sounds so sexy when he is angry huh. Must be lovely to see him everyday." Where is this going?

"I had that too, we dated a long time ago. Before you came into his life." She rolls her eyes. They dated? Jungkook never said that, did he lie about not knowing her? "Now Im pregnant." She smiles. I dont know what to believe and who to believe. What kind of stories she is all making up. "Your mans here." She smiles looking through the window. "he is fast." Winter stands behind me and holds me by my shoulders. "You cant win this " she mumbles in my ear, she definitely has some issues.

"Winter, what the hell are you doing?" Jungkook is out of breath as he walks in. "Why?"

"Why?" She chuckles. "Im pregnant, I told this girl and you know it too." God please. "And you still live like I dont excist."

"No way that it could be mine." Jungkook mumbles. I see Jimin standing behind him.

"Its yours! You, me and the baby! A family. You dont need her." She pulls me my my hair, I try to slap her and then Jungkook comes in action. I dont know what to do and what to believe. "Dont come closer." Winter says holding a knife, where did that came from. "Look at the screen." She whispers to me. Looking at the TV I see a video. Its Jungkook sleeping shirtless and Winter who sits on top off him, she kisses him and goes down, what the fuck. I cant watch this!

"What the fuck?" Jungkook shouts. Jungkook lied about not knowing her, he definitely knows her and they have a story. I stand up and pull Winter away, she falls on the floor and I jogg to the door. "Lisa.. wait." Jungkook shouts. I shake my head feeling tears coming and I leave. I dont want to see him or hear about him. Walking down the stairs I get out of the building and sit in the car. Feeling betrayed I feel tears coming down faster, driving to Jennie her house I park and take deep breaths. Walking to her front door I knock. Sniffing I try to stop crying.

"Lisa!" Jennie cups my face and huggs me. "What happened?"

"I dont know Jennie, I dont know what to do." I cry. She takes me inside. "Can.. can we stay here?" I ask her.

"Of course." She sits next to me and I lean my head against hers. Seeing Haru, she smiles as she sees me.

"Mommy!" She jumps on me. "Are you crying?" She pouts looking at me. I cup her jaw and shake my head.

"You okay?" I ask her Ignoring her question,  hoping she will answer my question.

"Yeah we made cake with Jennie unnie." She tells excitely. "Are we going home now? I miss dad." Dad.  I miss him too, but I need to figure things out first.

"Were having a sleepover." Jennie says and starts to tickle her. "We will watch a movie and eat the cake yeah?"

"That sounds fun." Haru says laughing, she sits up afterwards. "Can I speak to daddy then?" She really loves and cares about her dad and I love the bond they have.

Drama alerttt
Holy moly

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