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Perviously on, kamen rider faiz and yes precure gogo, they still fight the snake orphnoch before kiba was save him and tackle at them on the wall as precure have notice that another orphnoch save him before horse take out his sword and swing at they dodge attack and snake delivered punch at dream. But dream grab his fist and counterattack with her knee strike on his chest.

Dream was grab snake neck as he delivery punch at his stomach and other side kick on his chest, while horse orphnoch swing at him and rouge turning kick at his face. Aqua palm strike on his chest and faiz was delivery side kick on his stomach. Horse swing at them while they dodge attack as faiz and dream delivered punch at his stomach and other kick on his chest.

Before snake save him and shoving punch at them, while horse swing at faiz as mint was delivery punch at his face and chop his neck while lemonade delivered charge forward kick on his face.but snake grab faiz body as hold off.


Faiz was take out his phone and pressed "1-0-6 and enter.


Faiz shoot at snake chest many time and fired at horse stomach landed on the ground,as precure was go front of faiz

faiz(thought):i cannot hurt them like i killed them with crimson smash. Oh, i see

He take out the camera out, and removed his mission memory, and insert it into the camera.


faiz soon wear the camera as a wearable knuckle duster as to his wrist, he then open his phone and pressed the enter button.


Energy transferred from the belt and into the faiz shot, horse charge forward at him as same faiz too, faiz punch at his chest while horse swing at his chest, causing an spark as faiz was landed on the ground as precure and keitarou go front of him before he reveal into his normal as he get injured.

Dream:kazuki-senpai, are you all right.

Kazuki:I'm fine, that horse orphnoch was same stronger my power



At that moment, horse was get injured as his sword become ash before he reveal into kiba as same kaidou too.

Kiba:what is... He?

Kiba was landed on the ground as kaidou was go front of him and help him up with his arms before they continue walk.

Kaidou:are you okay? Come on, walk straight.your injured is light.

Kiba was injured his chest with blood as he hold his chest before kaidou let got of him as kiba landed on the ground.

Kaidou:ah!I'm going to stop helping you. Actually I'm pretty busy... And i guess you can say i don't have time to help you. You're annoying, don't ask the same thing over and over.

Kaidou was running away as kiba tried to tell him wait as he injured it.


At the street, they riding on the car while keitarou riding. As kazuki was laying down on the chair as precure get worried about him.

Nozomi:senpai, are you really okay?

Kamen Rider Faiz and Yes Precure 5 GogoWhere stories live. Discover now