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At the on the street , kurumi walk on the street as she stopped the traffics light when she saw the traffic light was red before she notice that natts walk on the street as he wear the jacket as she wonder why she wonder about him


At the natts house, natts was reading The book while kazuki and others was look king doughnut was get better than before.

King doughnuts:one, two, three.

Karen:you are looking better.

King doughnut:this is all thanks to both your efforts and mine!

Shiro:it takes effort to rest?

King doughnuts:resting is an important job!at this rate, I will be able to return to my kingdom soon.

Before kurumi was appeared with she was hold the drink with tray.

Kurumi:the tea is ready.

Rin:you certainly grew familiar with this house quickly.

Kurumi was put tray on the table before she was look at natts was something wonder about him.

Komachi:kurumi, what is it?

Kurumi snapped out as she turn back komachi.

Kurumi:oh, it's nothing.

Nozomi:time to eat

Nozomi was going grab the food before kurumi tried to stop her and slapping on nozomi hand

Nozomi:what was that for?

Kurumi:this is only enough for two.

Nozomi:but there's so many!surely just

Nozomi was grab food before kurumi was removed the plate from nozomi.

Kurumi:no!there isn't enough for you.

Nozomi:c'mon, just one is fine!cheapskate!

They watching nozomi and kurumi bicker over snack allocated. Rin has a feeling she has seen something very much like this before.as urara ask rin

urara:what is it?

Rin:i feel like I've seen this before.

Kurumi:you're no listening

Nozomi:i am!I'm just want a mame daifuku!and give me a cream puff!



At the eternal museum, bunbee was doing his stuff before Anacondy was appeared as she is in a bad mood, as evidenced by her approaching bunbee to command his report on milky rose.

Anacondy:excuse me. This report on milky rose is well made.

Bunbee:yes, scorp was the one that

Anacondy:it is well made, but i would like one correction. It was written by bunbee. That is, you.

Bunbee:no, it was based on scorp data, so i put his name as

Anacondy:scorp? Who is that?


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