2: Moving day

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Y/n's POV

Today was the day i moved into the new house and i was defiantly ready to be done with it. Tubbo had helped me get everything packed into my car and then up the stairs to my new room since his family had already helped him move in.

with one of my boxes of computer equipment in each of our hands, tubbo lead me to one of rooms that had been sound proofed to be used as streaming rooms

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with one of my boxes of computer equipment in each of our hands, tubbo lead me to one of rooms that had been sound proofed to be used as streaming rooms. the room was quite small but would work perfectly for what I needed. i heard a knock at the front door i went to go answer it but i heard a deepish british voice say that he had it. a few minutes later the door frame is filled with a very tall man with a floof of curly hair and round rim glasses.

"hello, tubbo and friend, did one of y'all order a desk? It just arrived." the tall man asks as he pulls a box from were he had it leaning against the wall outside of the room.

"Oh, that's probably mine. I'm Y/n, Tubbo asked me to fill the remaining room y'all had available." i say softly as i stand up and shake the mans hand. i've never been good at meeting new people, social anxiety you know?

"Wilbur, nice to meet you y/n. well here's your desk, I'm the first door on the left when you go up the stairs if you need me. see ya tubbo."

"see ya will." tubbo responded.

i drug the desk in and cut the box open to start assembling it while tubbo tried to do fix my horrid cable management, complaining the whole time i may add. what can i say it's a British tradition. (see what i did there XD)

after about 2 hours i finally had my streaming room set up the way that i wanted it. But im hungry so lets go.

i wander out of my stream room to find tubbo since i kicked him out after he decided to lay on the book shelf when i was trying to assemble it

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i wander out of my stream room to find tubbo since i kicked him out after he decided to lay on the book shelf when i was trying to assemble it. as i turn the corner into the common area i run right into a girl with shoulder length light pink hair, knocking both of us to the ground.

"what is it with you and meeting people by running into them." Tubbo laughs as he and a tall blonde boy help me and the girl up off the ground. once i am up off the ground i punch tubbo playfully in the arm.

"Ow! dickhead." tubbo shouted jokingly

"Oh that didn't hurt, asshat." i laugh and roll my eyes as i turn to the girl and blonde boy "I'm Y/n by the way, sorry for knocking you over." the girl smiles at me

"No problem, I'm Niki." niki walks up and gives me a friendly hug which i return. I smile at her i think we will be great friends... hopefully. i turn to shake the blonde boy's hand.

"Tommy." we nod to each other. "What do you mean 'what is it with you meeting people by running into them' ?" Tommy asks tubbo

"That's how we met, she was looking at games in games workshop and when she turned around she ran right into me" we all laughed. Tubbo rested his arm on my shoulder haphazardly since we were about the same height to mess with me. I shrugged him off and playfully glare at him making him chuckle.

"Anyways I'm hungry so do we want to order in or go out?" I ask

"Lets order in. ranboo is coming earlier then originally planned so we need to be able to go get him." Niki reasons. I nod

"I've got a car, so just let me know when he lands so we can go get him."

"Okay! I'll order." Tommy says pulling out his phone

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