12: explanation stream

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Y/n's POV

After ranboo was back with his chair and both his glasses and mask were on i pressed the go live button and put up the 'stream starting soon' board. after we hit 5,000 viewers I turned on my face cam. as i read chats i see a lot of 'hi's 'RANBOO?'s and various questions about random topics. 

"whats up chat? Today is going to be a chill stream. I am also joined by, as ya'll can probably tell, Ranboo." Ranboo waves hi at the camera and i continue 

"I wanted to get on here to explain where i have been for the past few weeks and also why i haven't been as active on here as well as my social medias theses past 3 coming up on 4 months." i Look up and ranboo and he gently takes mt hand out of shot of the camera. 

"Well, first as ya'll know i moved. that's always tiring, but there was something else also going on with me that was making it even more tiring. About 6 months ago i started to have what i though was just really bad period cramps, yet I stopped having my periods. then about 4 months ago i broke down and went to the Gynecologist." i take a deep breath and i felt Ranboo squeeze my hand in support. 

"they ran some tests and it turns out I had ovarian cancer. I started doing treatments immediately though and i am proud to say i am free of cancer. that was the big thing that was keeping me from being as active as i normally would be until just over a month ago when I ran into my Ex, who I've talked about before, when i went to go grocery shopping and take ranboo to get a new monitor." i Look up at ranboo again 

"while i was already in the store, He forced a kiss on Y/n. She kicked him off and went about shopping while i was looking for a monitor. He approached me after a few minutes and threaten me because he had seen me pull up with y/n." i nod and continue on. 

"we thought nothing of it until, almost a month later a house mate and i got into an argument, about stuff that i won't go into detail about." i didn't want to over share and have hate sent either of our ways. 

"After the argument I needed air, outside of the house, so i hopped in the car and started driving. i wound up on a road leading out of town, where My ex was waiting to run me off the road. we don't know how he knew that i was going to to be heading out that way on that specific  night at that specific time but he did." i looked up at ranboo fro him to continue. 

"He ran Y/n off the road and shot her in her abdomen. At the hospital she was taken into surgery, where they removed both the bullet and her ovaries. Once Y/n woke up she gave her statement and the police determined that due to the attempted murder and threat towards me, that we would all have to go into protective custody until he was found and caught." ranboo paused telling me to finish telling the story. 

"after two weeks a group of AOFs ( Authorized Firearms Officers) cornered him in a cabin where he insisted a shoot out and was ultimately shot and killed. we just got home about an a hour and a half ago, but i thought that ya'll needed to know why i haven't really been active. I'm going to take the next week off the recuperate from the past 6 months but after that we will be back to our regularly scheduled program." i say with a smile. i had missed interacting with my community.

Ranboo and i said good bye to the stream and ended live. we sat in silence for a minute before ranboo spoke up. 

"I really like you." he blurted out. i could see his ears go pink. I was stunned for a second but after it registured in my brain i gave Ranboo the biggest hug i could manage, he returned the hug warmly, wrapping his long arms around me and bringing me down to sit in his lap. 

"I like you too, Ranboo." ranboo took off his mask and glasses, then gently grabbed my chin. He inched closer and closer to my face. i reached up to put my hand on his cheek before our lips touched. His lips were slightly chapped but warm and welcoming, the smell of his lingering colone making it even more special. we break for air. 

"Y/n? will- Will you be my girlfriend?" i give him another kiss on the lips while i gently rub the stubble on his jaw line. 

"does that answer your question?" i say with a smile. 

"um, I'm guessing that's a yes." I nod and we share one last kiss before getting up and joining everyone else in the living room for a movie night. 

Ranboo x Reader (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now