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after i was done getting changed tonight's events started to weigh heavy on me. Visibly enough that Ranboo even noticed.

"Hey, you alright?" he says as he snaps his finger in front of my face bringing me out of my trance.

"Um, yeah.... You know Tod?" he nods at me. " well, um, lets say he gives me the creeps. earlier today while we were..." he cut me off

"Tod. Gives you the creeps? He's one of the nicest people I've ever met. he's been like a brother to me, How could he possibly give you the creeps?"

"Well, Earlier today while we were at that gaming store both of us were looking at pop figures in the same isle, when i felt someone pinch my butt. I thought it was you but when i turned around it was Tod."

"Tod? Surely it was on accident." he says 

"Well it happened. if it was just him brushing up against my butt, sure, but he pinched it. after he pinched my butt i told him not to put his hands on me, he said that i would be better off with a real man like him, instead of you. I told him that if he were a real man he wouldn't have touched me, and that i loved you and you me. then i walked off to find you." i pause for a second to catch my breath. Ranboo's face shows shock and anger. I have tears welling in my eyes as i tell him, scared of how he's going to react. 

"then at dinner, when the waitress came by to drop off the check, he laid his hand on my thigh. I flicked him to make him stop touching me cause i didn't want to cause a big scene since it had already been such a nice evening." i finish. 

"Is that why he jumped?" i nod. 

"Probably. I didn't think you saw that." he nods 

"I did but i just chopped it up to him being a little cold they had the ac on really high." I nod 

"I just don't want to be left alone with him, in case he tries to do anything more." 

"You know what? he's coming over tomorrow to catch up and play some video games. i want to set up cameras tomorrow and catch him in the act. maybe we can prosecute him for something or at very least get a restraining order? NO ONE, touches my girl. " Ranboo says. 

"But that means i have to be left alone with him." i say 

"I'll be right there. he won't have a chance to do anything. You trust me right?" he says. I nod.

"Promise you'll be right there?" i say with my pinkie extended. Ranboo smiles and wraps his pinkie around mine.

"Promise." we finally wined down and cuddled under the covers, before we both drifted off to sleep. 

The next morning i was woken up by Ranboo gently shaking me. his hair was a mess from sleep. i saw him and let out a laugh. 

"what are you laughing at misspriss?" he chuckles at me. 

"Your hair looks like a tornado hit you in your sleep." i chuckle back. he leans down and kisses my forehead. 

"Well yours doesn't look much better." he laughs as I playfully punch his shoulder. there was a knock on the door. 

"Come on you two! Breakfast is ready!" we hear his mom shout through the door. 

"Okay, be there in a few!" Ranboo shouts back. we both climb out of bed and get ready.

 then i remembered what the plan for today was

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 then i remembered what the plan for today was. 

"How long is it going to take to set up the cameras?" i ask Ranboo as we step out of the room and start to head to the kitchen. 

"not long they are all wireless, and I've already paired then to my phone so all i have to do is turn them on." i nod. 

We walk into the kitchen and we are met with the wonderful smell of F/B/f and coffee. 

Ranboo's dad was standing at the coffee pot while Ranboo's mom was sitting at the table drinking her coffee and reading some files she had laid on the table. 

"Coffee?" Ranboo's dad asks

"Yes, please. I can fix it, you can go enjoy yours." i smile at him. Ranboo sets about fixing us both a plate of breakfast, while I'm fixing my coffee. After we sit down, and start to eat Ranboo's dad starts to pick on him. 

"still not a coffee drinker." he chuckles

"no dad i still don't drink coffee, I'm a morning person and don't need caffeine." he laughs 

"you are a very strange child. both a morning person and can make it through the day with out caffeine." i chuckle before taking a sip of my coffee. 

"I'm not the child here. I'm older. Plus that's Tommy's job." i playfully roll my eyes. 

"Only by a few months, and Tommy at least drinks tea, cause ya know hes 'the most British' as he would put it." we both laugh as both of ranboo's parents get up and leave for work, giving both of us a wave as the hurried out the door. After we were both finished eating we got to work on setting up the cameras and making sure they were working. 

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