5: an outing of sorts

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I woke up pretty late for me. I'm usually up and atm at about 8 but I had slept until almost 11. I got up got dressed and headed down to the kitchen to fix me some coffee, but realized that there was no groceries yet. I groan out loud.

"You okay y/n/n?" Tubbo asks scaring the shit out of me.

"*squeak* tubbo you scared me! Make some noise next time damn." Tubbo just starts cackling at me. This draws the attention of everyone in the house. Wilbur, Tommy, and Niki came to investigate.

"What's goin on in here?" Wilbur ask a confused as to why tubbo is doubled over.

"This asshat, scared me. And now he's laughing at me." Everyone laughs. After everyone is calm again tubbo speaks up again.

"So why did you groan when you came on here?" I roll my eyes

"I came in here to make me coffee but realized we had no groceries." I say with my arms crossed jokingly pouting. Which everyone laughed at.

"Oh crap. Yeah we do need groceries. Hmm, we can get some on the way back from the vlog okay?" Niki suggests.

"Oh. y'all are filming today. That's fine I can go to this store for us all just send what y'all want to a group chat and I can pick it up." We all agree and I get everyone's number minus ranboo's, who isn't going with them to film because of jet lag, and start to compile a list of what we need.  

everyone else left me to go get ready and i started to write out the list. after everyone else left i remembered that ranboo was staying in today to rest. i walk up the stairs to the room that i had learned was ranboo's and knocked. 

"who is it?" i hear from ranboo. 

"It's Y/n. Just wanted to see if you wanted to come with me to the store, or needed anything." ranboo opened the door with his mask and glasses on, but still in his pajamas. 

"sure, but i want to stop by (random Game store). let me get dressed."  he says before closing the door before i could even respond. guess he's still grumpy. maybe after some caffeine and food he won't be as grumpy. i went to grab my wallet, keys, and phone then waited for ranboo in the living room. i was scrolling through my twitter feed when i see a tweet by ranboo from yesterday that was basically explaining that he was moving and wouldn't be able to stream for a bit. and apologizing for not being able to stream. i liked the tweet and kept scrolling. i had watched ranboo for almost as long as tubbo and him have known each other. the night that he and tubbo met, tubbo had called me excited that he had made a new friend and basically demanded that i watch some of his streams because he 'just knows that i'll like him'. i mean he was right i did like ranboo. we had a similar since of humor, very quite until we are comfortable with the people around us among other things. his voice was something i find comfort in when I'm stressed or just need to relax. 

I had zoned out looking at another tweet of ranboo's when he walked into the living room. i sat my phone screen up as i stood up. ranboo happened to be able to see it. 

"so now your stalking my twitter?" ranboo asks with an edge to his voice

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"so now your stalking my twitter?" ranboo asks with an edge to his voice. 

"No, I was scrolling through twitter and happened upon one of your tweets, I've followed you for a while so yeah your gonna be on my feed every once in a while." i was starting to get sick of the attitude that he radiated, but for now I stay calm and reasonable. ranboo just heaves a sigh. 

"lets go before i change my mind." ranboo says as he heads for the door. i follow behind and lock the door behind us before hopping in the drivers seat and heading for Costco. i gave ranboo the aux as we drove. he silently took it and started playing music. I have to say he has some pretty good taste in music. I was singing along to The Fall by Lovejoy when ranboo's phone rang cutting the music off  as he answered it 

Ranboo on the phone

"yeah, will.... yeah, me and y/n went out to get groceries, i was informed that one of my monitors was broken when getting loaded so I'm going to go buy a new one, so I'm tagging along.... yeah, just let us know if ya need anything... okay, bye."  the music continues but i reach over and pause it. 

"so why'd will call, did he need something?" i ask

"Just got worried you weren't answering your phone." i answers without even looking at me. why is he acting like this? 

"Oh, i probably accidentally put my phone on silent. I'll call him back when we get to the game store.  anyway, do you want to stop and get some brunch i guess before we go shopping? there's this nice little dinner that's hardly ever crowded around the corner." i offer. ranboo finally turns to look at me. i can see his ears slightly lift up telling me he's either smiling or really glaring at me trough the mask and glasses. he sighs more a sigh of defeat than anything which confused me more then his behavior over the less than 24 hours that I've known him. 

"sure i could use some food." i smile at this since it was the first time he had spoken to me and not sounded pissed or annoyed at me. as we come up to the street the dinner is on i turn on to it and then pull into a parking space, before getting out and feeding the meter (again not British and am not familiar with UK driving laws)

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