10: the news

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Ranboo's POV  (i am not a medical professional so some information my be inaccurate)

when the doctor came in my stomach dropped further, if that were possible. 

"Well I'm doctor Lee. we have some news on Y/n L/n." i tense up expecting the worst. 

"she will be just fine. she lost a lot of blood and has a concussion, but she will be able to leave in about a week when she recovers enough." he informs us 

"we were told she was shot." i stated. 

"she was, she was shot in the abdomen, close to her ovaries. we saw her medical chart and got the go ahead from her gynecologic oncologist to remove them while we where in there to reduce the amount of trauma to that area. Hopefully once she wakes up she'll be able to identify who ran her off the road and shot her." 

"when will we know if taking her ovaries out got rid of the cancer?" Niki asked 

"they will have to do a test called a  CA-125 blood test when she's replenished enough blood to be able to draw blood safely, but probably within the week they'll be able to take blood and send it to the lab. getting results back may vary depending on how many tests are already lined up. any more questions?" before anyone else could ask i jumped at the opportunity. i may be being selfish but i have to try.  

"I have two more questions. um, was her boyfriend notified? and is it possible for me to be there when she wakes up?" 

"boy friend? she doesn't have a boyfriend, not since she left Jared. what are you talking about?" tubbo asks confused. 

"i saw her kissing a guy at (random gaming store) about a month ago when i was getting a new monitor? i had just assumed that he was her boyfriend because when y/n went to go shop while i was looking, he came up to me and told me to 'stay away from his girl or i'd have some problems' or something." i explained quite confused myself. 

"can you describe him?" 

"probably about 5" 10', dark complected, dark hair, had a weird birthmark on his neck that almost looked like a throwing star." 

"that's Jared, she probably wasn't kissing him he probably forced himself on her that was something he tried to do a lot." 

"to answer your question no we didn't inform this Jared character, a William gold was the only one contacted. and yes if it is okay with everyone else here, since there is only allowed one person to stay in the room past visiting, you can be there when she wakes up." everyone nods let Dr.Lee know it was alright. he motions for me to follow and we walk out of the waiting room and down the hall to the elevator and up to the 5th story. 

The smell of rubbing alcohol and Lysol stings my nose as he continues to lead me to y/n's room. When i saw her i started to tear up again. she had a bandage wrapped around her head, cuts and bruising all over her face and tubes and wires hooking her up to all kinds of machines. I walk over to her and quietly pull up a seat to sit right beside her. the doctor left to tend to others i assume. I gently grabbed y/n's hand in my own. her hands where so tiny and soft but chilled in my much larger warm hands. I played with the ring she always had on her middle finger. while she slept i studied it. it was a small silver ring with 'b.b.f. ' i slid the ring off to get a better look at it on the in side of the band it said "baddest bitch forever ~Toby Smith" i smile at the nickname tubbo had given her and slide the ring back on. i nodded off still holding her hand. 

Y/n's POV

I woke to everything being cold and achy except for my left hand. slowly i open my eyes to see ranboo, face first on the side of my hospital bed holding my hand. it was comforting even though i'm supposed to be mad at him. I hit the call button because i needed to know what happened and water. Mostly water though. 

I remember the argument that cause me to leave, i remembered the convenience store, then i remember a car coming out of nowhere and me swerving to avoid them. Oh Fuck. Jared. I hit the call button again, starting to freak out. my heart rate began to elevate causing an alarm to go off. This made Ranboo jolt awake panicking. in a flash he's up and at the door 

"NURSE! I NEED A NURSE!" a nurse comes running soon after. 

"I'm fine. i need police right now i know who did this." 

"okay, Honey, i need you to calm down. we will have someone here shortly. here's some water, just calm down. I'll be back in a minute." the nurse hands me some water and then leaves. 

"hey, Ranboo. How is everyone?" ranboo takes his seat again

"scared but we'll be fine once we get you home and safe." he doesn't have the mask or glasses on so i can see the tear stains on his cheeks. it hurt to see him like this. though part of me is saying that he deserves it after how he's treated me. I can't help but feel sorry for screaming at him. 

"I'm sorry, for everything. I'm sorry for all the times I've snapped at you. I'm sorry for pushing you away. I'm sorry for treating you like shit. I'm sorry for calling you worthless and weak. you are anything but any of those things. you are strong , and beautiful, both inside and out and i took my own frustration out on you. I was in the wrong and if the consequences are that you don't want to see me again i understand, and i will find a different place to live." ranboo's face was covered in tears as he finished off his speech. i was almost in tears. 

"that's the thing Ranboo I WANT you around I want to get to know you. I just don't understand why you've hatted me since day one?" he gently grabs mt hand. 

"I've never hated you. I tried to make myself believe that i hate you but i can't. all of this started because i over heard a conversation that i thought was about me but was actually about Jared. Tubbo and Niki explained why i was an idiot." he says with a half-hearted laugh. i reach over and lift up Ranboo's head to look at me. 

"I forgive you ranboo. But now i have to talk to the police, we can talk later. go let everyone know i'm okay and go get some rest." grab his hand and kiss it as two officers walk in motioning for him to leave so they could get a statement. 

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