16: Dinner

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after making it through traffic we pulled up to the Japanese restaurant and stepped out. it was in a well populated area, with lots of bustling cars and people all around. it was very different compared to the scenery i was used to back in England, there was a lot more people out later, probably because everything closes earlier over there than here. we all walk in and we ask for a table. 

"I'm sorry the wait is going to be almost an hour. is that okay?" the hostess asks Ranboo. 

"sure that's fine." she nods and scribbles down his name. 

"Great, again, I am sorry. We will call you when your table is ready, if you would like to sit and wait." he nods and then turns back to us and we go and sit down in the waiting area. 

"Ya know kids, We can sit here and wait while y'all go to the shops around here. we can call you when we get a table." Ranboo's mom suggests, while looking at ranboo, Tod, and I. 

"That's actually a good idea. Want to go look around?" he turns to me and asks. i Nod eagerly. 

"That sounds fun." i smile. Ranboo looks over at Tod, 

"you want to come man?" 

"Sure why not." that made it seem a little less fun but what ever. i was with Ranboo and i could look around. 

After i made sure i had my wallet and phone we headed out. as soon as we stepped out we headed down the street to a cute little gaming store. Ranboo wandered off to look at eh games while i was looking at the Naruto pop figurines. Tod was looking at some different Pop figurines across the isle from me. As i was looking at a Sasuke figurine when i felt someone pinch my butt. i turned around thinking it was ranboo, but was met with Tod instead. 

"Don't put your hands on me, ever." I glare up at him. 

"Yes, I am so afraid of someone as small as you. You really shouldn't be with him ya know, your better off with a real man. Like me." he says sarcastically 

"First you are far from a real man if you think touching me is okay. second, I love Ranboo and he loves me. Third, you really shouldn't be talking like that behind your friends back. now get the fuck away from me." i say as i walk away from him and towards Ranboo. I'll have to talk to Ranboo about what just happened. I find Ranboo in the back looking at X-Box games. 

"You find anything you want?" he asks as i grab his hand 

"Nope, nothing i can justify spending the money on." i laugh

"Ya know you don't have to justify every purchase you make right?" says gently bumping me. 

"Yeah, i know just nothing here I would die for." i laugh as i bump him back. being with him made me almost completely forget what just happened. Almost. 

After a few visits to some other stores in walking distance from the restaurant, Ranboo gets a call. 

"Okay, Heading back right now. Bye mom. Love ya." he hangs up and puts his phone back in his pocket. 

"our tables ready. lets go."all three of us walk back to the restaurant. Tod was walking a little bit further behind us. after we make it back to the restaurant we sit down at the table to look at the menu and order. at the table there was only 5 seats, all equally spaced around the circle table. before i sat down i told ranboo that i was going to run to the bath room to wash my hands. when i did come back the only seat left was one between Ranboo and Tod. Great. It's fine ill just scoot a little towards Ranboo. I just have to make it through dinner. 

Dinner was amazing the food was just as good as Ranboo had said it was and we had had some nice conversations throughout. as the waitress came by to drop off the check i felt a hand on my leg, but from the opposite side of which Ranboo was sitting on. Knowing it was Tod, but not wanting ruin the evening i just flick his hand. he jumps slightly pulling his hand back rubbing the back of his hand. 

By the time we left the restaurant it was dark out. 

"Oh, we stayed longer than we thought. Ranboo, do you mind driving? neither of us can see at night." Ranboo's dad asks. 

"Sure. Who's gonna ride up front?" he asks while taking the keys from his dad. 

"Y/n can. I'm sure it was uncomfortable sitting squished in the back." Ranboo's mom said as she looked at me.  I go to object not wanting to be rude. but she wasn't having it. She wasn't to much bigger then me so made since that she would be put in the middle, like i had. 

We hopped in the car and headed back to the house. once we got there Tod hopped in his own car and went home, while the rest of us headed inside. Ranboo and i headed up to Ranboo's room to get settled in an in more comfortable cloths since it was getting late, and the jet lag was hitting us like a bus. 

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