19: Relax Bruh

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That night after cleaning, talking to cops, filing a report against Tod, and  fixing the door for Ranboo's dad we were both exhausted. who wouldn't be after the day that we have had? We decided that we would just turn in early, watch a movie and do a spa night for the two of us. 

we took our showers and then got into comfy cloths. I began to help Ranboo put on his mask. after sitting on the counter so i can reach ranboo's face easier, I tie his hair up out of the way and start to giggle at his adorableness, which turns to pure laughter at the face of confusion that he makes at me. 

"what you're cute." i smile before leaning up and pecking the tip of his nose. he smiles at me before leaning in for a kiss on the lips. we pull away with our foreheads resting against each other. 

"your not to bad your self." he whispers with a shit eating grin on his face. I continue on with my task. As i start to unpackaging the mask and place it onto Ranboo's face he jumps a little. 

"that's cold as hell." he laughs. i just roll my eyes playfully. 

"My dude, its a mask of course it's going to be cold." i laugh as i gently thump his forehead. he scrunches up his nose in response which makes me laugh again. how did i get so lucky? 

after we were done goofing off with the mask and it was time to take them off we did so and then headed back to his room

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after we were done goofing off with the mask and it was time to take them off we did so and then headed back to his room. he belly flopped onto the bed letting out a little oof when i plopped down on top of him. he rolls over me still on top of him and brings me down into a bear hug that not even the strongest man could break from. i was laying on his chest content as could be when i got a bright idea. as i lift my head up to look at my beautiful boyfriend he looks down at me feeling me shift. 

"Oh gosh what now?" he laughs his grey eyes sparkling. i grin at him. 

"Relax bruh." I laugh at him "I brought nail polish, wanna paint each others nails?" he shrugs. 

"Sure why not, But not matter how bad yours turn out youve got to wear them at least all day tommarow." 

"Wouldn't have it any other way." i smile at him as i jump up and go fid where i put the nail polishes. after i found them i splayed them out all on the bed and had ranboo choose what color he wanted and let him choose mine. 

before painting our nails i buffed, trimmed and shaped both of our nails showing Ranboo every step as i did it. the i let Ranboo start to pait my nails. I had to admit he didn't do that bad of a job. 

after i start to paint his being careful not to smudge my own nails

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after i start to paint his being careful not to smudge my own nails. after a few minutes his were done. 

after we were done and our nails were dry we put on a movie and snuggled in for the night

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after we were done and our nails were dry we put on a movie and snuggled in for the night. about half way through the movie i fell asleep in the arms of the man i love. 

Here's a short little fluff chapter since i haven't updated in a few days, lol. Hope y'all liked it. I don't know when the next time i am going to update is but hopefully won't be to long. Love y'all and have a nice Evening/ day/ Night!

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