15: America

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Ranboo and I Stood in the security line waiting to board our flight. we have been dating for almost a year now so Ranboo figured that it was time that he introduced me to his family. I was both excited and nervous because they haven't seen me or anything, they've just heard me talking in the background of Ranboo's phone calls with them. once we finally got through security we boarded and sat in our seats. We managed to get first class so that ranboo had leg room, which was nice. a good 30 minutes into the flight both me and ranboo were out for the count, until about 3 hours before we landed. once we had landed we got our bags and then went to go Uber to pick up our rental car, and then drove to Ranboo's family's house. 

As we pull up to the nice one story house, I nervously grab Ranboo's hand. he looked down at me from the drivers seat, before leaning down and giving me a reassuring kiss on the forehead. 

"Don't worry, they'll love you, just as much as i do." he assured me, as he steps out and starts to grab our bags. I get out and help grabbing my own bags and my bag of camera stuff. As Ranboo goes to knock on the door we hear a few dogs barking. Ranboo knocks and a minute later a Women answers the door. before Ranboo could sat anything she had wrapped him an a hug almost making him drop his bag. 

"Mom, I love you and all but can i set my stuff down so i can give you a proper hug?" he laughs as the women backs up and notices me. she steps aside so we can walk through the door. 

"you must be the girlfriend? Nice to meet you Y/n." Ranboo's mom hugs me after i set my bags down. 

"Nice to meet you to." i say smiling. 

"wheres dad?" ranboo asks, as we here a throat clear behind us. 

"Dad would be right here." a man says from the door way of what i assume in the kitchen. Ranboo walks over and hugs his dad while i awkwardly stand there. Ranboo's dad walks over and extends his hand for a hand shake. 

"Hi, I'm Y/n." i say as i shake his hand. 

"well hi." he turns to Ranboo, "you can put y'all's stuff in your old room." 

"Okay, thanks dad. Come on n/n, I'll show you around." I smile before grabbing my stuff and following Ranboo to his old room 

after we sat all of our stuff down, Ranboo showed me around the house until we came to the dining room where both of Ranboo's parents were sitting waiting on us

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after we sat all of our stuff down, Ranboo showed me around the house until we came to the dining room where both of Ranboo's parents were sitting waiting on us. Ranboo sits down in one of the chairs and pulls one out for me. After getting to know each other more there was a knock on the door. Ranboo's mom excused herself to go answer the door and came back shortly after with a guy. he was average height and had dark brown hair that rests in front of his eyes. Ranboo stands up and gives him a bro hug before turning back around to me. 

"Y/n this is Tod, He's a friend from high school. Tod, this is Y/n my girlfriend." i stand up and shake his hand in greeting. 

"hello, Tod it's nice to meet you." i say to him smiling. we all sat down again and continued to talk about all kinds of things, before Ranboo interrupted the conversation. 

"Hey, are y'all hungry? we can go out and eat. I'll pay." he offers. after we all agree to go out to eat we all pile into his parents Mini-van and headed to this Japanese restaurant that Ranboo said was amazing. Ranboo's parents were up front Tod was to my right and ranboo was to my left which left me in the middle. made sense since i was the smallest there. 

Normally i would be fine with sitting in the middle since most of the time when we all piled into one car i was stuck in the middle, but i was getting a strange vibe from Tod, you know when you can feel someone watching you, and you can feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up? that's the feeling i had around him, but he hadn't done anything to raise alarm yet, so i just kept it to myself and chopped it up to him just being so close and being a new person. After a few minutes into the drive i felt Tod rest his arm on the back of the seat just close enough to the back of my head that i could feel the heat from his arm. i just ignored it and leaned my head on ranboo's shoulder to get away from the unwanted feeling. 

to ease my anxiety i grabbed ranboo's hand started to play with his fingers something i usually did when i got anxious. Ranboo looked down at me to see if i was okay, i just gave him a nod and smile, to let him know i was fine. he smiled and gave me a kiss on my forehead before leaning his head on my own. I heard a light huff from Tod but ignored it and continued to play with Ranboo's hand. 

Bruh looking for couple pictures made me realize how lonely i am 😂

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Bruh looking for couple pictures made me realize how lonely i am 😂. anyways here's an update for this story i had a bit of inspiration so there may be another chapter coming out soon. HOPE Y'ALL ENJOY!!!

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