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Author's note: °°For entertainment/fangirling purposes only. No harm intended. 


“Babe you don’t have to come with me. I know you’re very busy.” Xiao Zhan said, trying to pursue his boyfriend. 

“Babe, you know I’ve been waiting for this day to come. And now it’s finally here.” Wang Yibo answers as he brushes Xiao Zhan’s hair that’s covering his forehead and tugs it behind his ears. 

Wang Yibo couldn’t help himself but to smile widely. He can’t contain his happiness to himself anymore. 

Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan have been together for a while now. They met at  the wedding  of their common friends, became friends and later on became lovers. Dated for a year. And they have been living together for six month now but never once has Wang Yibo met Xiao Zhan’s parents or any of his family members.  

Wang Yibo has been asking his bae about it for several times but Xiao Zhan would only reason that his family was living very far away—in a remote village on an Island. Xiao Zhan would also avoid the topic if Wang Yibo tries to ask him about his family.

But now, the moment Wang Yibo has been waiting for.  He’s going to meet his future in-laws very soon. And he’s very excited and at the same time he’s also very nervous. 

Unaware that Xiao Zhan’s family had a dark secret that he would never imagine. 

Many questions keep on bugging him ever since their relationship becomes official.  Questions like ‘will they approve of me for their son’ or ‘will they allow us to be together’ kept running inside his head. 

“What are you thinking in that pretty little head of yours?” Xiao Zhan’s question pulled him back from his thoughts. And as if Xiao Zhan can read the questions in his head. He says, “Don’t worry. I’ll be by your side. You don’t have to worry if they will approve of us or not. I will choose you over anything else.” Hearing the statement coming out from his bae's mouth Wang Yibo felt so fluttered. He felt warm deep inside his heart.

“Gosh, how could you make me fall in love with you more and more everyday." he remarked. 

Wang Yibo heard a soft chuckle and it sounded so good in his ears. How he loves to listen to that. How he loves everything about the man right next to him. 

“MV Starlight is now ready to board. Passengers please prepare your boarding pass and your terminal fees. Thank you.” 

“That’s our ferry babe. Let’s go.” Hand-in-hand they both walked in line with the other passengers. And when they’re boarded successfully they head straight to the bunk beds. 

The ferry they boarded was not that big with only 200 passengers capacity and there’s not many passengers or travelers so many bunk beds were left vacant. 

After a few minutes, they heard another announcement that they were now ready to sail. After that some warnings,  do's and don’ts while on board and some instructions as a standard operational protocol. 

The weather was fine and the ocean was calm and so the ferry sailed smoothly. It didn’t take long before they both fell asleep. 

Wang Yibo was the one who woke up first. He checked his wristwatch—the watch Xiao Zhan gifted him a couple of months ago when he got promoted as Manager of the Resort-Hotel he was working at for almost three years. 

“Babe, wake up.” Shaking Xiao Zhan’s shoulders to wake him up. 

Xiao Zhan groaned but didn’t open his eyes. Wang Yibo tried again but failed again. Only after trying for the fifth time did he manage to wake Xiao Zhan up completely. 

“What..?” Xiao Zhan in his still sleeping voice.

“Aww…sorry to wake you up, babe, but it’s almost 2 PM. We didn’t have our lunch yet.” Wang Yibo coaxes his pouting babe.

This was one of the things that he finds cute about his Xiao Zhan. Xiao Zhan would always pout whenever Wang Yibo woke him up. But got mad when Wang Yibo didn’t wake him up.

Xiao Zhan is a nurse and spent most of his days sleeping because he was on a night shift. But he would find ways to still join Wang Yibo in his breakfast even though he wanted to sleep the moment he arrived at their unit. 

“Babe, I want cup noodles ” Xiao Zhan points at the shelf of different cup noodles with his puckered lips while shaking Wang Yibo’s arm who was busy choosing and picking for their food.  Both facing at the counter in the ferry's small cafeteria. 

“Sure, babe.” Wang Yibo answered without any protest.  

After getting their food, they went back to their bunk beds and ate in silence. 

After having their late lunch,  Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan decided to walk around the ferry and took some photos too. After that they went back to their bunk bed and just played with their phones. 

When night came, they grabbed something for dinner at the cafeteria. And because they don’t have anything else to do, they just decided to rest. It’s been almost a month since they both slept next to each other like this due to Xiao Zhan being on a night shift for almost a month. 

And the two sleep in each other’ arm indeed. 

Wang Yibo woke up hearing some noises. He didn’t know how long they were sleeping. When he checked the time he saw it was already 2 hours past midnight. 

Wang Yibo got up slowly so as not to disturb the sleeping beau  beside him. Sitting on the edge of the bunk bed  Wang Yibo roamed his eyes around and saw other passengers getting ready and now fixing their things. 

“Zhan, babe I think we’re almost there.” He again woke Xiao Zhan up but this time he succeeded with just one try. 

Kissing his bae on his forehead he repeated,  “I think we’re almost there.”

“Huh. What time is it?” Zhan asked while rubbing his eyes. 

“It’s 2 AM  babe.”

“We’re two hours early. Hmm.. well that happens sometimes especially with this calm weather." Zhan paused and peek a kiss on Yibo’s cheek. "I’ll just wash my face babe.”

“Hm, then I'll come with you."

Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan went to the bathroom together and washed their faces. They also brushed their teeth together unbothered by the stares of other passengers. They’re too happy with each other to mind what others might think. They know some people are still do not agree when the same sex relationship but they respect that. For as long as they’re not doing something that will harm or hurt them. 

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 Where stories live. Discover now