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Author's note: °°For entertainment/fangirling purposes only. No harm intended. 


The next afternoon.  While Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo went out to eat and buy some snacks and necessities, Xiao Zhan’s mother and father sneaked into his room. Xiao Zhan’s mother put something on Wang Yibo’s water bottle. After that, the two went out of their son’s room like nothing happened. 

Before 5 PM Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan were already back. They went straight to Xiao Zhan’s room. And because they had to walk for twenty minutes, Wang Yibo felt very thirsty. He grabbed his water bottle and opened it but before he could even take a sip on his water bottle, it  melted. Wang Yibo was beyond shock.  Xiao Zhan looked at it and he knew, his parents must’ve put something on it. Luckily the monk who made the amulet had a strong spiritual energy and the amulet works very effectively.

Xiao Zhan silently took another bottled water that they just bought and gave to Wang Yibo. Then he asked Wang Yibo to stay in the room as he needed to talk to his parents. 

Xiao Zhan’s parents who still didn’t have the idea that Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo are back already kept talking out loud at the back of their house. Xiao Zhan halted and stayed still when he heard his mother’s voice. Xiao Zhan tiptoed as he walked closer to the window so he could hear them clearly. 

“We will carry out our plans later tonight. Our son won’t be able to do something even if he wants to when that tribute is dead already."

“But how? Can’t you see they were inseparable.” He heard his father.

Xiao Zhan’s parents still have no idea that their son was actually in an intimate relationship with the man they called the tribute. Xiao Zhan never told his parents about him and Wang Yibo. When Xiao Zhan left the Island before he had already disregarded the fact that this is his family. For him they were just monsters. Monsters residing in the human body to deceive and bewitch innocent people. 

“Later tonight when they have already fallen asleep we will sneak inside their room and get the tribute. I will put incense in his room so they’ll fall into a deep sleep.”

After hearing his parents talk about their plan, Xiao Zhan went back to his room. Xiao Zhan rummaged through his old cabinet and took some of his old clothes out, the one that he thinks would fit Wang Yibo. After that he ordered Wang Yibo to change into his old clothes. Even though Wang Yibo felt strange about his bae’s behavior he still did what he was asked to. 

“Can’t you just tell me what’s happening babe? I’ve noticed since we came here you never allowed me to bond with your family, to your parents. Babe, I just want to be on their good side. I just want to properly introduce myself to them. I just want to let them know about us.”

“They don’t have to know that. I’m doing this to protect you… protect you from them. They’re not the people you think they are. I couldn’t even consider them people or human… they’re…” Xiao Zhan stopped and reached for Wang Yibo's face, cupping it with both hands. Staring at those beautiful orbs. “Just trust me with this. Hmm? I’ll tell you when everything’s done. Okay?”

“Okay.” Wang Yibo replied feeling defeated. How could he argue with his bae when he looks so serious. He pouted. 

“Hmm?” Xiao Zhan couldn’t help but chuckle seeing his pouting big baby.

“Kiss...” Wang Yibo pouts his lips even more and makes Xiao Zhan crack a laugh. But then oblige. He pressed his lips against the awaiting soft lips for a sweet kiss. 

They both have smiles on their faces when their lips parted. 

Midnight came, and Xiao Zhan got out of the bed. Actually Xiao Zhan has been wide awake the whole night. He keeps himself on guard. He was scared to sleep, he was scared that he might really fall into a deep sleep and would just wake up and find Wang Yibo gone already. He can’t let that happen. He’ll never let that happen. 

Getting off the bed, Xiao Zhan quietly went to where his bag was and took a pouch from the bag's hidden pocket. Then he went beside Wang Yibo. He put the pouch inside Wang Yibo’s pocket slowly so he wouldn't wake him up. 

After a while Xiao Zhan heads out of the room. 

Earlier Xiao Zhan  had already sneaked inside his cousin’s room and light the incense his mother planned to light in his room. And when he ensured that his cousin had fallen asleep already, he carried him to his own room and made him lay on the bed beside Wang Yibo. Xiao Zhan’s cousin almost had  the same build as Wang Yibo. Xiao Zhan also took his cousin’s clothes off and  changed it to Wang Yibo clothes and he also made him wear a hoodie. 

After that  Xiao Zhan also carried Wang Yibo carefully and brought him to his cousin’s room. Planting a kiss on his boyfriend’s forehead, Xiao Zhan heads back to his room. 

Few minutes later, Xiao Zhan heard footsteps heading towards his room so he quickly laid on the bed next to his cousin, supposedly Wang Yibo. Xiao Zhan knew his parents would come to take Wang Yibo and he knew his parents would never bother to switch the light on. He also knows that his parents won’t bother to check on him. He knows his parents will prepare the tribute for the ritual. And now Xiao Zhan has to destroy their life’s source before his parents find out about the fake tribute. 

Xiao Zhan knew the ornament was hidden in his grandmother’s house. He had once seen it when he was still a kid. His grandmother showed it to him. His grandmother once told him that if the time comes that he’ll inherit or claim his birth right their clan will become stronger and they wouldn’t have to hide in that remote Island. If that time comes, darkness will rule the world. 

But that time will never come. Xiao Zhan was determined that he will put an end to it. It’s true that humans most of the time behave like a monster or do such cruel acts. But isn’t that why there is God? Isn't that how people straighten their faith? Isn't that why people straightened their relationship with each other?  

Humans behave like monsters but they don’t need real monsters.

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 Where stories live. Discover now