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Author's note: °°For entertainment/fangirling purposes only. No harm intended. 


Xiao Zhan sticks to his pretension that he was still sleeping even when his parents already carried his cousin that they thought was Wang Yibo away. He waited for more than five minutes before getting up and heading out of his room. 

Xiao Zhan saw his father walking towards his room. 

“Father, have you seen Wang Yibo?” He asks pretentiously. Of course he knows where Wang Yibo really was. 

But instead of answering his question, his father replied. “It has done. Prepare yourself. I’ll go get your cousin."

“He’s not there. I saw him leaving the house just before you came in.” Xiao Zhan said, stopping his father from going inside his cousin’s room. Of course he’s lying. Xiao Zhan kept his emotionless face and stared at his father blankly. 

Xiao Zhan’s father didn’t bother checking the room anymore and just turned on his back and walked towards the door. But before he left he looked over his shoulder 

“The red moon will show at 3 AM. Be prepared.” After that, Xiao Zhan’s father left him.

I’m sorry father. But I have to do this. Xiao Zhan wiped the tear that formed in the corner of his eyes. Though Xiao Zhan was already determined on his decision and showed coldness towards his parents deep inside Xiao Zhan was hurting. After all, they are still his parents. But if he can persuade them to turn their back to the darkness and follow the brighter path he will gladly welcome them with open arms. 

Xiao Zhan took a deep breath and stepped outside the house leaving Wang Yibo still sleeping—alone. 

Xiao Zhan followed the pathway that led him to his grandmother’s old house. He was immediately welcomed by an old lady. Her hair turned all white and so was her eyes. The old lady was his grandmother. His grandmother that he thought had already passed away. Then he remembered she’s not going to die naturally. As long as there’s no one who would accept her ‘power' then she’ll remain alive until the day she had found someone whom she could pass her 'will' on.

“Our future ruler had finally arrived.” The old woman welcomed him cheerily. 

Xiao Zhan straightened his back as he was about to give respect to his grandmother but then the old woman stopped him.

“His excellency should never bow to anyone who’s lower than him.” His grandmother proudly said and bowed to him.

Xiao Zhan silently let go of some air that was stuck on his chest.

Xiao Zhan loved his grandmother—really but he was always against their doings. All the news he had heard in the past about the missing person or tourist in the Island, he knows it very well. He knows it was them—his own family who was behind all of those missing cases. And that had to stop now…

He has to stop it…even if he needs to end his life, then so be it.

Xiao Zhan silently followed his grandmother towards the ‘altar' that was surrounded with many oration marks and a formation that was made of blood. Human blood. He guessed it must’ve been his cousin’s blood that his parents thought was Wang Yibo. 

Xiao Zhan remained poker face and acted like he didn’t see anyone even when his family or his clan members greeted him. His grandmother ushered him inside a small room where some elders were waiting for him. Then they started to take off his clothes. When he was completely topless one of the elders began chanting in front of him and drew some lines on his body that were made out of blood. It made him almost want to puke.  But he held himself back, reminding himself that he has to endure it for a little more time. 

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 Where stories live. Discover now