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  Author's note: °°For entertainment/fangirling purposes only. No harm intended. 


Wang Yibo kept on staring at the baby in his arms. And no matter how he looks at him, he really sees himself in him when he is still a baby. His heart kept on telling him that he was his but his mind is contradicting what his heart says. 

After that unexpected revelation, Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan decided to go home. But to Xiao Zhan surprise, it wasn't the unit that they used to live in together but a house. Wang Yibo explains he bought the house just a few months ago as he was actually planning to build his own family there when Xiao Zhan comes back. But he just didn’t  expect that Xiao Zhan would fulfill his wishes—to have a family of their own.

Wang Zhen—that’s the baby’s name Xiao Zhan gave their baby boy  meaning he is precious, is now peacefully sleeping in Wang Yibo’s arms but every time Xiao Zhan would take Wang Zhen or every time Wang Yibo would try to place him on the bed Wang Zhen would start to cry and so Wang Yibo just let him be and besides he likes it. He likes how Wang Zhen would snuggle on his chest.

“Babe… this b-baby…” Wang Yibo wanted to ask but somehow the words  he wanted to say got stuck on his throat.

“He’s yours. Ours.” Xiao Zhan answered him like he already knew what he really wanted to know. Xiao Zhan was looking at him straight in the eyes but his hands were gently stroking Wang Zhen's hair. 

“I know it’s hard to believe but, you’re the father of this adorably cute little one here and I carried him for seven months. And his name is Zhen—Wang Zhen.” Xiao Zhan stated, eyes are now fondly staring at the sleeping baby in Wang Yibo’s arms.

“Who would have thought that you’ll really get me pregnant the last time we did it.” He remarked and looked away trying to hide the blush on his face.

“Yes it’s hard to believe,” Wang Yibo agrees.  “…but I believe you babe. And besides I’ve witnessed something more horrible so… but I wanted to know what happened to you on that Island. We tried to look for you but the police didn’t find any traces of you or even any traces of anybody. A-and they found your ring. T-They assumed you were d-dead. But I didn’t believe it.”

Xiao Zhan took his hands away from Wang Zhen and sat properly. He looked outside the window and his eyes landed on the bright moon. He smiled. 

“That day, I really thought I was going to die. I surely stabbed my own heart. I know my breathing stopped but I woke up a few months after that. And when I woke up I was already at the temple.”

“Huh? How?” Wang Yibo asked curiously. 

“That day, as you said, the police came. But a group of monks came earlier. Before I closed my eyes I felt them carrying me. They took me with them. And they were also surprised to discovered that I’m still alive.”  Xiao Zhan shifts his gaze and it catches Wang Yibo’s eyes that were focused on him now. “I know I died that day, babe. But he saved me. Our baby—Wang Zhen, saved me. 

When the monk found me I’m already half dead—no, I was as good as dead. I was in a coma since then, and to their surprise they found out that I’m pregnant and the pulse they had felt wasn't mine but his. Surprisingly the baby grew healthy in my womb even though I’m in a coma,  until the day they took him out of me. He came out as a healthy baby boy but I was still in a coma.

It was the longest day of my life that I’ve been in the dark. Everything was black. I tried calling for you  but I couldn’t hear my own voice. I tried to run but I couldn't move. Until Zhen showed up in front of me. I was so surprised,  I thought I was seeing a mini version of you. He was smiling at me so brightly. He pulled me out of that dark room. After that, I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was an incubator with him inside. Zhen cried loudly the moment my eyes landed on him and the monks said it was the first time he cried like that after I delivered him. 

I was so happy that day that I couldn’t stop crying.” Xiao Zhan felt the warm palm on his face, wiping his tears that he didn’t notice rolled down his cheeks. “I wanted to come see you but I got scared… I’m scared that you’re scared of me because of the things you discovered about me and my family.”

“Sshhh …babe. Everything’s fine now. Thank you. Thank you for coming back to me. And thank for this wonderful gift babe.” Wang Yibo averted his eyes to Wang Zhen who’s peacefully sleeping in his  arms. “And I’m not scared of you, babe I love you. I love you no matter who you are and what you are.”

“Thank you babe… I love you too.” Xiao Zhan replied as he closed his eyes and felt the warmth from Wang Yibo’s palm on his cheeks.

“Zhen. Wang Zhen. Zhen. Wang Zhen. Our precious baby boy.” Wang Yibo mumbles the baby’s name repeatedly with a smile on his face.

Wang Yibo stared at the sleeping child for a few more seconds before he bent his neck as he planted light kisses on Zhen's head. Then he averted his attention to his bae who’s just looking at them with fondness reflecting his eyes.

Wang Yibo pulls his bae by his nape and gives him a kiss. A kiss that’s full of emotion. His love, his longing and his gratefulness that he’s back in his arms. And Xiao Zhan responded to the kiss with the same amount of passion. 

The couple seems to haven’t had enough of each other, and was reluctant to let go of each other's lips if it weren’t for Zhen who stirred in his sleep and whimpered a little. Xiao Zhan let out a soft chuckle when he saw the frown on his precious boy’s forehead. But couldn’t hold back his laughter when he saw Wang Yibo’s sulking face while looking at their baby boy. 

“Stay with him for a while babe, I’ll just prepare his feeding bottles." Xiao Zhan stood up and gave Wang Yibo a light kiss on his lips before he headed out of the room and went straight to the kitchen.

Thirty minutes later, Xiao Zhan went back to their room. Xiao Zhan couldn't help but smile and his heart melted from the sight that welcomed him. Wang Yibo was sleeping peacefully with Wang Zhen who’s lying flat on his stomach and also sleeping peacefully on his father’s chest,  thumb sucking. 

Xiao Zhan walks quietly towards the bed and places the tray with Zhen’s feeding bottles on the bedside table. He sat on the edge of the bed and stared at his two babies to his heart content before he laid beside Wang Yibo. He didn’t bother to get Wang Zhen off his father’s chest as he might disturb his two babies. 

“I love you both…so much.” Xiao Zhan whispered before planting feather light kisses on his babies heads before he too drifted into a peaceful slumber.

” Xiao Zhan whispered before planting feather light kisses on his babies heads before he too drifted into a peaceful slumber

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Finale is next...

See ya!

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 Where stories live. Discover now