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Author's note: °°For entertainment/fangirling purposes only. No harm intended. 


“Manager Wang, sir, here is the list and schedules of private events at our resort for the whole  month.” 

“Ah.. yes thank you. You may prepare to leave now.” Wang Yibo answered his secretary.

He placed a white folder on top of Wang Yibo’s desk then bowed before leaving his office. 

Wang Yibo felt another dead silence again. Holding a glass of liquor in his right hand while the other was kept inside his pocket. 

Heaving a deep long sigh before he gulped down all the content of the glass he was holding. He stared intently into space. Feeling empty.

Empty since that unexplainable thing happened to them one year ago. That day, he waited for Xiao Zhan but no Xiao Zhan showed up. He wanted to join the team and find if there are any survivors or if there’s anyone left. But when the police arrived at Xiao Zhan’s village no trace of a living person could be found. It’s like it’s just turned into a ghost valley overnight. 

But Wang Yibo wouldn’t’ want to give up. He doesn’t mind spending some digits just to find his bae. But it’s been a year and still no trace of Xiao Zhan. But he still waits for him. No matter how long it takes, he’ll wait. Even if waiting for him felt like waiting for a drop of  rain in the middle of the desert.  

Wang Yibo knows in his heart Xiao Zhan will come back. And if that day comes he’ll never gonna let him go again. Losing him once is too much; he'll die if he loses him for the second time. 

Wang Yibo looked at the moon that’s shining so brightly in the night sky. The night sky was so clear. No clouds that’s trying to hide the moon from the world.

“Babe I miss you.” Wang Yibo whispers in the air as he stares at the sky above. 

I miss you too…”

Wang Yibo turned his body around as he heard Xiao Zhan’s voice. He thought he must’ve been drunk already as he is hallucinating things. But then he just had a shot. It's impossible that he got drunk with just a single shot. 

“Zhan… baby… babe… please come back to me. I love you so much.” He uttered as a faint sob escaped his throat. 

It’s been one year. And he doesn’t mind waiting for another year for as long as Zhan will be back in his arms again. He doesn't know what really happened and as to why Xiao Zhan had to hide or why he had to stay away from him. 

If that’s because of the things he discovered about him and his family or his whole clan, Wang Yibo admits he got scared at first but then his love for Xiao Zhan was stronger than that. He’s willing to accept everything about him. And Wang Yibo knows by now that Xiao Zhan doesn’t want that kind of life. 

Wang Yibo still remembers vividly how Xiao Zhan protected him against his whole clan. So he knows Xiao Zhan loves him just as much as he does because he was willing to turn his back on his clan for him. 

Wang Yibo sighs deeply and pours another rhum on his glass and chugs it down in one go. He went to his mini pantry inside his office, washed the glass he used, wiped it dry and put it back on it’s shelf. Wang Yibo went back to his office and grabbed his coat that was just settling on the backrest of his chair. Took another glance inside his office before he completely closed the door and locked it.

Wang Yibo was in the middle of driving his way home when suddenly raindrops started to fall. At first he didn’t pay attention to it and just brushed it off but then suddenly rain showers started to fall. Wang Yibo stopped his car on the side of the road as he watched droplets of water hitting the windows of his car. 

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 Where stories live. Discover now