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Author's note: °°For entertainment/fangirling purposes only. No harm intended. 


Wang Yibo couldn’t hold back the tears that formed in the corner of his eyes as he watched his son walking down the aisle with a flower crown on his head. 

Wang Zhen was walking gleefully while waving his hand at the people that’s watching him, then he would scatter a handful of petals from the basket that he was carrying. Of course the amount would be as for how much  his little palm could grab. Then he would close his eyes, spread his arms and turn around gracefully which earned a lot of chuckles from the audiences—or better say from the people that would witness Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan’s union. 

Yes, today is the very day they are going to get married. 

Wang Yibo had planned this ever since Xiao Zhan came back. But then they waited for a year because they wanted their son to be their and part of the wedding entourage.

When Wang Yibo proposed, he set a family dinner at the resort. Just a typical family dinner, just then, a slideshow was being presented when they were having their desert. It was a slideshow with their photos together. From the time Wang Yibo was still pursuing him until the first date that they have become officially together. Everything. It surprised Xiao Zhan because he didn’t really know about it. It was all a stolen shot of him. And the latest was the three of them. There was a photo where Xiao Zhan and Wang Zhen were playing in the park or Xiao Zhan was preparing Wang Zhen’s milk or food. Every little thing was being documented by Wang Yibo. 

They were so immersed in the little presentation that they didn’t notice Wang Zhen was already crawling on the table directed to the cake that was in the center. 

Xiao Zhan cried happy tears while watching the slideshow Wang Yibo prepared and when he turned to face his direction he was welcomed by that pair of orbs full of fondness and love with a little glint of shyness. 

“Thank you, babe…” – Xiao Zhan. 

Wang Yibo smiled brightly and leaned a little closer to give him a kiss but even before his lips could touch his bae's lips a small hand stopped him. Wang Yibo frowns as he feels something sticky on his cheek. Wang Yibo rubs his fingers on his cheeks and something sticks on it and when he checks what it was he frowned even more. 

There are a handful of small fists of icing on his fingers and as soon as he lifts his head to look for the culprit he hears a small giggles followed by a soft chuckle, he can’t help but smile as warmth surrounds him. His heart almost melted from the sight, Xiao Zhan and Wang Zhen playfully wiped each other’s faces with the icing. Wang Yibo joins, and the trio play until Wang Zhen innocently throws something to his Mama. 

Xiao Zhan paused as he felt like he was being thrown with a small pebble-like object. And his eyes widened, confusion, curiosity, anticipation, nervousness and his heart thump wildly that he felt like it would burst inside his chest seeing a beautiful ring in front of him. It was the ‘small pebble-like' that he thought.  

Xiao Zhan almost burst into tears when he whipped his head towards Wang Yibo’s direction, “Well, this is not the proposal that I planned. But, yeah… here it goes.. huuu..!” Wang Yibo started, scratching the back of his head, his ear tip turning pink. 

“When I met you, I knew I'd met my match and when I thought I lost you, that was the most painful thing that ever happened to me. That’s  when I know my life will never be complete without you beside me to share it with. I want to fall asleep at night holding you in my arms and wake every morning with you by my side. 

I  can’t imagine growing old with anyone else, nor I also want to because all I want and all I need is you.  

So babe… will you marry me?” Xiao Zhan cries happy tears hearing his babe say those words. His tears wouldn’t stop flowing like a river. 

“Babe…I.. of course I wi—”

“Mama maywii?” Xiao Zhan wasn’t able to finish his words because their baby butted in. 

Wang Zhen was clapping his little hands while giggling.

Maywii? Mama Papa wab wab?” he giggled happily and that made his parents laugh heartily. Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan looked at each other before looking back at their baby boy and they both showered him kisses all over his face and neck that caused him to laugh more. 

"HAHAHA..! Stowp.. Mama, Papa.. no mowwe twickowls. Hahaha..!"

The rest of the night was filled with laughter.

The couple just held a simple beach wedding which Xiao Zhan dreamed of ever since he and Wang Yibo decided to live together.  Wang Yibo’s boss was the primary sponsor of their wedding and it was attended by Wang Yibo’s boss, of course and his wife. Some of Wang Yibo’s colleagues and Xiao Zhan’s closest colleagues from the hospital he works at and a few doctors that Xiao Zhan had worked with. All in all they had less than a hundred guests that the couple personally invited. 

Well the wedding was just for formalities since the couple had already registered their marriage beforehand so as to register Wang Zhen officially.  That’s the reason why Xiao Zhan didn’t really expect Wang Yibo would still propose to him. 

But amongst everyone else, Wang Zhen was the happiest. He enjoyed all  the attention he was gaining and he loves entertaining his parent’s guests. So basically he was the star of the night and not his parents, which of course the couple didn’t mind. Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan love how bubbly and jolly their baby boy is. 

Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan looked at each other, smiles never left their faces. Eyes glistening, reflecting all the love they felt for each other. 

“I love you..”

“I love you..” they both whispered in chorus as they sealed their lifelong promise for each other as they start yet another journey. 


Thank you so much for your time reading!

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Thank you so much for your time reading!

I don't know it the ending is good. I somehow felt like it's lacking something.  I'm still not good at writing endings. I know in writing it's always the ending that is crucial. (I tried)

Please feel free to leave your thoughts and suggestions or criticism as long as it's not in a hateful way 😊 . Well if you have problems with me then feel free to message me.

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