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Author's note: °°For entertainment/fangirling purposes only. No harm intended. 


Five hours after traveling on a bus, finally Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan have reached a small town.

Wang Yibo was in awe as he roamed his eyes around the place. Everything was green. And the village was literally at the foot of the mountain. Wang Yibo noticed that almost every house looks old except for the small chapel that looks like it was newly painted and the police station near the small school. 

“This looks so nice babe. Now I wonder why you never told me about your place.” But Xiao Zhan remained silent. He just kept looking straight forward and his face began looking cold. Some people that they crossed paths with were also hesitant to greet them. 

“Remember what I told at the bus babe.” But he’s expressions quickly softened when he was talking to Wang Yibo and he found it weird. Wang Yibo felt like there’s something off about this environment. And suddenly he felt the chills.

“Let’s go. We still need to walk for about thirty minutes before we can really get to our village.” Xiao Zhan held Wang Yibo’s hand tightly. Tightly like he was afraid he’ll get snatched away from him. 

Wang Yibo felt really weird especially when people stared at him like they pity him. Pity? But why? Even the police officer who was just standing outside the station was also giving him that look. But he chose to brush it off and thought maybe they’re one of those judgmental people who disagree with the same sex relationships. 

True to Xiao Zhan had said they indeed walked  for about twenty minutes to finally reached their final destination. Upon arriving Wang Yibo firstly noticed the very busy surroundings like they were preparing for a feast or something. 

Again Wang Yibo finds it weird because it doesn’t look like they are grieving.  Instead it looks like they are celebrating. 

Wang Yibo moves closely to Xiao Zhan and whispered, “Babe,.. why are they glaring at me like that?”

“No. Don’t mind them. The promise babe.”

“Okay, okay I got it babe.”

“Zhan?.. Husband.. our Zhan is here!” a woman in her early fifties exclaimed. Not long after that a man who looked like he was in his late fifties came running from inside the house. 

“Our Zhan is here indeed! Everyone, our Zhan has finally arrived!” 

And the villagers start to gather around them. And Wang Yibo was so sure that they were staring at him—hungrily?  That he wasn’t that sure. But he knew they were staring at him with those eyes. Those that are similar to those animals that’s looking at their prey. He wanted to tell  Xiao Zhan that he got a bit scared. And when the villagers swooned them around he almost puked from the sudden smell. It’s awful. It’s something like rotten fish or something metallic. 

Wang Yibo can’t describe that smell but one thing he knows is that it smells really awful.

“Ayyy.. go go go. Go back to your work. Today is a very special day. And finally our Zhan is here to claim his birth rights. It’s a big celebration and he even brought a tribute! And tomorrow night is the red moon.” The man announces enthusiastically. 

Wang Yibo didn’t understand what the man meant. The man that he now recognized as Xiao Zhan’s father. He wanted to introduce himself but Xiao Zhan already pulled him away from the crowd. 

Xiao Zhan made Wang Yibo sit on the sofa when they entered the house. And from there they could still hear the villagers cheers or chant? Wang Yibo was not sure as he couldn’t understand the words that they’re uttering. 

“I shouldn’t have brought you  here. “ Xiao Zhan’s hands were trembling while mumbling those words. “Wang Yibo… babe, the promise ok?” 

“Can you just tell me what this matter is about?  And why are you looking so tense?”

“Don’t mind me and just keep your promise.”-Xiao Zhan.

“Babe, you’ve been acting weird ever since we got here. But okay I won’t force you to tell me and I swear I will keep my promises. Okay. So relax. Nothing bad is going to happen.”

“I hope so.” Xiao Zhan replied in a whispered tone. 

Xiao Zhan let Wang Yibo rest in his room first while he will cook something for their lunch. His aunt—his father’s sister and his cousin offered to help him but he didn’t allow them to step inside the kitchen while he was using it. Though he was younger compared to the two, they can’t do anything about it as he  holds a higher position than them. Xiao Zhan for them is like a crown prince. And once the ritual is done during the red  moon, Xiao Zhan will be their leader. The leader that they have been waiting for a century. Their King. The king of darkness. 

Xiao Zhan originally had no plans on stepping on their village again. But he was forced to, they told him his grandmother was sick and asked to see him. Xiao Zhan didn’t foresee that this has something to do about that so-called ‘birthright'.

After an hour, Xiao Zhan was already done cooking.  He put them in a bowl. Xiao Zhan carefully carried the tray to his room. But before that he needs to pass through the living where his father and mother were sitting. 

Why not call your friend and let him eat with us.” His mom suggested that his father strongly agreed. 

“He’s tired, Mother.“  Xiao replied coldly. 

“Hmm.. yes. You better take good care of him just until before the ritual we’ll take-over when the ritual starts.”

I’ll make sure we’ll leave this hell of a place before that happens. But before that I’ll make sure I’ll end everything. You monsters!  That was what’s running inside Xiao Zhan’s head. 

After having their lunch, the two just stayed inside Xiao Zhan’s room—Xiao Zhan tries his best to make Wang Yibo stay inside his room. Little does his family know Wang Yibo wasn’t as pure as they thought and needed him to be. And Xiao Zhan had no plan on telling that to his parents.  

Xiao Zhan regretted bringing Wang Yibo with him but he had no other option left. He was told by the monk that Wang Yibo was indeed a tribute but could also bring their monstrous practices to an end. 

According to the monk, the  blood of the heir and the blood of the tribute who had already lost his purity when mixed together  will destroy their life force. And that has to be done during the ritual when the red moon is at its peak. 

Xiao Zhan had also brought the special paper that monk gave him—or what they called talisman. The monk says it’ll light a fire when it gets contact with his and Wang Yibo’s blood.

But what Xiao Zhan didn’t expect is that he counted it wrong. He thought that the red moon would happen tonight but no. The red moon will happen tomorrow night. So now he has to make sure Wang Yibo’s safety until the ritual's over. 

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 Where stories live. Discover now