unexpected ally [ xhurt!reader ]

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requested by: EarthChild0717

requested by: EarthChild0717

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mentions of blood
and lots of cursing ahead!

a screech echoed against the walls of the old, abandoned factory as you ran through the dimly-lit halls of the factory.

a spine-chilling screech that echoed down from where you were running from, made your heart beat even more faster as you can feel your legs begin to wobble underneath you. and yet, you didn't plan on stopping from running away as you refuse to let your exhaustion to take over you.

what makes this whole situation worse is the long, bleeding scratches on your left shoulder that fucking blue cat left on you. it's barely just a little scratch and you doubt that you won't die from blood loss. the only thing that's stopping it all from completely pouring out is the piece of clothing you have torn from your shirt before wrapping it around the wound.

you hissed in pain as your hand gripped tightly on your left shoulder as you continue to run from who you remember the mascot toy to be as, 'candy cat' from the posters you've seen so far while you were exploring around. you could barely gasp for air as you heard another loud, ear-piercing shriek echoing against the walls around you, making you whimper as you tried to access each and every door you'd pass by from left to right.

but none of them even opened for you.

good fucking news, i'm done for!

that's what you thought until something caught your eye. there, attached to the wall just right in front of you, is an open door that leads to the vents surrounding the factory. you didn't even hesitate once you finally saw an escape and immediately crawled inside the vent, making damn sure to shut down the door close behind you before quickly crawling to any direction you think is the safe path to take.

i hope nothing would go wrong at the other end or else i'm just leading myself to my own death bed

coming here to explore at night is a bad idea. no, scratch that, this is not even your idea. it's all nothing but for a fucking bet that went terribly wrong.

you should've just taken the knife back then instead of being chased down by a killer mascot inside an old, abandoned toy factory.

"i dare you to explore that creepy factory just near outside of town with this.", your so-called 'friend' smirked at you as they pull out a camera with a stupid grin plastered on their ugly-ass face. "make sure to film the whole thing because i will be uploading it on social media. dude, i'll be fucking famous!", they say as they threw over the camera to you, to which you caught it flawlessly in your hands.

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