fondness at it's finest [ xgothic!punk reader ]

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requested by: dovakiinliania

requested by: dovakiinliania

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it was three in the afternoon.

you were in your messy bedroom, posters of various bands that you liked were displayed on your walls, your closet was open with some of your clothes lying around on the carpeted floor, and your study table were covered in scatters of both paper and litter of empty bags of snacks that you've eaten.

mama . . . just killed a man

put a gun against his head,

pulled my trigger, now he's dead

the song from your radio continues on in the background as you pressed an ice bag against the skin right at the corner of your lips. and as the time goes by, there's a fresh, purple bruise that could be visibly seen on that area now, which made you groan in irritation as you quickly thought of a way to cover it up from your father.

he can't find out that you just got into another fight again back at school. you were even supposed to be in class right now but after dealing with that whole messy, commotion, you ran off and escaped. so instead of skipping only one class, you're skipping all of it. your father isn't home during the day due to his work so you still got plenty of time to think about it.

"ah, fuck . . . that stings.", you hissed as you slightly touched to feel the bruise. it's swelling now. there's no way you can dig yourself out of this. your father used to compete in boxing matches and would always win so, he'll know what it is right away once he sees you later.

so with a defeated sigh, you leaned back on your seat and looked up at the ceiling above you, deciding that it's best to tell him the truth instead of trying to make up a horrible lie and making yourself a fool in front of him in the end.

you admit, you're a pretty bad liar, especially when it would always shows in your face along with the change of behaviour of your body movements.

it sucks.

so what the hell am i supposed to do for the meantime?

as soon as the question popped up inside your mind, the song on the radio came to an end before switching to some sort of commercial. a commercial you recognized right away due to the amount of times you've seen and hard about it from the television, from the newspapers and from the posters that's hanging around outside.

you remember them being called as, 'playtime co.'. a toy company that was built in your town before opening it's doors to everyone three years ago. up to this day, they're still bustling as ever as the day they were first noticed by the public as they continue to produce new toys throughout the years.

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