unsaid farewells [ xchild!reader ]

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"one hour before closing time, fellas! now make sure that all of your things are with 'ya before leavin' the building!"

a guy with an elated, goofy-ish voice announced through the comms speakers.

you saw how all of the adults and children around you began to pack up their things. some kids even started bawling their eyes out for leaving already as their parents - desperately - drag them away and out of the room. you could only sit back with a smug expression on your face, feeling lucky and superior that you get to stay behind much longer than the rest of the children who were with you in the same room.

yes, that's right, little (y/n). you were nothing like them at all.

"why, you seemed to be in a deep thought, little buddy!", a voice you knew very well suddenly spoke up behind you. you turn around to see huggy walking up to you with a crying kid behind him, their small hands reaching out to him as their parent carries them in their arms. huggy looked over his shoulder before giving them a wave of his hand.

""i'll see you soon, mavriel! don't cry!"

"huggy! i don't wanna leave yet!
noooooooooo! mama, let go of me!"

you watched the whole scene unfold in front of you as huggy visibly winces as mavriel's cries grew louder than before, their wails echoing around you before slowly fading away as their mom walks down the hall and finally out of the room.

once the room is now empty with you and huggy as the only ones remaining, you couldn't help but let a giggle escape from your lips.

huggy returns his attention over to you once he heard your little chortle, his smile widening when he sees your small frame running up to him. and in a perfect timing, he sweeps you up in the air with his hands and in his arms, and you not even being surprised at the bare strength he possesses despite being made of only cotton and polyester strings. he then gave you both a little spin, earning a delighted chuckle from you before he carefully settles you on top of a huge block with the big letter 'U' on it.

you sat down on the block, your small legs swinging back and forth at the edge as you watch the tall mascot in front of you sitting down on his pedestal just right in front of you. now, you can see each one another eye to eye without you struggling to look up at his whole, massive frame.

for a 7 year-old like yourself, it's understandable that that would certainly be a struggle. huggy wouldn't want you to strain yourself or worse, accidentally break your neck in half - perhaps, if that's even possible. still, huggy won't risk it -

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