welcome home | human!huggy

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it felt like an eternity since you and huggy had last seen each other. you very much missed him so that you cannot sleep last night due to the excitement that's flowing wildly through your veins at the thought of seeing him again. but at the same time, you can't help but feel a little worried.

actually, 'little' is an understatement. you are hella worried.

you haven't gotten the time to leave a message for him, or the chance to tell him that you will be away for a 'well-deserved break' that your boss and a childhood friend of your father's, mr. elliot ludwig, had given to you after the first week of january,

"your father's a great inventor, (y/n)! he's always been there for me to count on. and for seven years, his inventions and ideas made some great contributions for the company, despite him only making them himself all the way back to your house in your little garage. which is why i wanted you and him to take a break for now, and come back here starting on the first week of february."

"but sir elliot, i don't wanna take a break and, isn't that a bit too much? well, my father do need it but me?
i was just moving around and filling up boxes with toys like everyone else does. i am grateful, sir, very grateful but, with respect, i would like to proceed on working here with a normal schedule, sir."

"oh, (y/n), so stubborn and hardworking, just exactly like your father. but as your boss, it is only necessary for you to follow what i've told you to do so. and i am telling you, (y/n), that i am giving you a long and well-deserved break. besides, your uncle's wife, emily, has invited you two over to have a short vacation at the other side of town, am i wrong?. you needed it, especially when you've got a newborn baby to meet. send my 'congratulations' to your father's brother for me, will you?"

you were about to protest once more against him at that very moment, to ask him how he knew about that invitation and that you're not coming with anyways. well, not until what he said next, made you shut up for good instead.

"or perhaps, were you against the thought of being away from your work because of a certain and unique creation of mine? let's say . . . huggy wuggy, no? i have to admit, i heard rumours going around that you have established a special relationship with him. unlike the others, you were the only one he'd rather come and cooperate with. i find it odd at first and now, i think i understand why."

what do you have to defend for yourself against that? exactly, nothing. because, it's the truth he just slapped you in the face with. it's not like you and huggy's in a romantic relationship but rather, a special friendship that you two have secretly built together throughout the days and months of two whole years of you working in the company.

a bond that was built out of mutual interests fueled from the sincerity of your curiousities towards each other. over time, that bond grew into something more that you and huggy would soon both cherish, an understanding of one another's stories that were heard and shared, as well as perspectives that were respected and understood. he makes you happy and he understands you well, you're now basically an open book to him, easy to read for he's an expert on doing what he believes he knows what's best.

mr. elliot didn't even bother to wait for your response that day before he ushers you out of his office, leaving you no choice but to accept the fate he has bestowed upon you. still, you were a bit relieved because you do admit that despite being the child of the boss' childhood friend who happens to own a worldwide famous and beloved toy company, you still got the same shitty treatment as the other employees. the rules for all of you to obey were unbelievably strict and unfair. you always arrive at home exhausted and fully worn out around 6 every evening, completely beaten up from doing nothing but being tortured by the shoulders as the outcome of you carrying your heavy grabpack all day while moving boxes around that would sometimes be even more bigger than your size alone to handle.

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