a helping hand [ xemployee!reader ]

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it has been a busy day as usual for the toy factory of playtime co.

every staff member of the said company mostly have their days filled with nothing but boxes to pack and deliver, boxes to fill and boxes to discard, boxes, boxes, and boxes.

the place is just stacked up with boxes and crates from left to right as there's barely any space left to all of the three storage rooms that the factory had. the superiors were even considering on placing another two rooms.

with your very own grabpack - every staff member whose job is to move boxes have one -, you triggered the left and right canon at the same time as they shot out towards the two boxes that's laying in front of you, one for each. with a huff, you then start to walk backwards as you pulled the two boxes along with you.

"must . . get them . . . ugh! to the . . . other . . . side . . !", you struggled as you gritted your teeth while putting all of your strength in pulling the two large boxes with the help of the machinery you were wearing. as an employee of the playtime co., and as your duty to organize these boxes, it is required for those who have the same task as you to wear grabpacks to lessen any struggles or possible accidents that may occur anytime, anywhere.

such as getting crushed by one of the crates or the tall piles of boxes.

it's not really a bright example but you get the idea.

"damn it!", you yelled out in frustration when you felt like you barely even moved the boxes from where they sat. you then looked over your shoulder to that empty spot on the corner of the room where you're told to place them before a sigh escaped from your lips.

alright, let me just sit and recover my strength

actually, do i even have any?

you retracted from the boxes, deciding to take a short break as you sat on top of one of the boxes.

your schedule starts at 7:30 exact in the morning. checking your wrist watch, you read that it's already 9:15. time sure passes by in a blur when you're that focused on your work. you didn't even bother to take a break since you start helping move the boxes with the others in the other rooms.

well, not until now.

"my arms and legs are killing the shit out of me . . .", you mumbled to yourself as you massaged your legs' muscles when all of a sudden, you jolted upwards when a voice suddenly called out to you.

"(y/n)! finally found you!"

you looked at the man with your eyes now fully wide open as he approaches you with a stupid grin plastered on his face, showing off those pearly, whites as he then sat down beside you before handing you a can of soda.

"here, something to help you rewind."

he says while you gratefully took the cold beverage from his hand. you smiled at him before you begin to open the lid, letting out that satisfying popping sound as you took a sniff.

hmm, this smells nice

"thanks, pierre. i really appreciate it.", you thanked him as you were about to take a sip when leith stopped you, "wait!", that's when he held up his own can of soda towards you with a raise of his brows, "cheers."

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