[ fluff ] huggy as your cat

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the moments you had with him the very first day you've discovered him

• drenched in rain, in his tattered box at the alleyway besides the apartment you're staying in. you were walking home from work that day when you suddenly heard a distant and small cry of what soon confirms your suspicion of the sound coming from a feline, a cat for that matter. he was shaking, scared and in need of shelter, so without even thinking, you carried him in your arms and decided to give him the love and care he deserves.

• as all cats are known to be curious, huggable creatures to almost anything, he's no different. the moment you placed him down in your living room, you expected him to stay in one place or maybe go run in a corner and hide. nope. it's the complete opposite. instead, he started exploring to every corner of your apartment, sniffing and checking things out. for a lonely cat like him who got abandoned for god knows how long, he sure does know how to engage to new things, calmly. plus, he's not even scared of you. in fact, he'd already put his faith and trust in you the second you picked him up with such gentle and warm hands.

• you gave him a warm and quick shower after you gave him some time to adjust to his new surroundings, which is your apartment and is now his new home. you were genuinely nervous and a little scared that he'd go thrashing around like a wild animal - which he is at the moment since you just picked him up a few hours ago - when you gave him a bath but just like how your expectations were being oddly mistaken lately, he didn't. he's very well behaved and has completely complied to you without putting up a fight. he lets you stroke his dirty fur and his cute, squishy paws - jellybeans as you'd like to call them - as you rinse him, it made you happy, knowing that he's already trusted you. in short, everything went smoothly, which is a huge relief for your part.

• giving him his name isn't that hard. as you dry him up with a towel and your hair dryer, you love how his fur went floof the more you ruffle it with the towel, making him almost look like a cuddly and huggable stuffed toy. wait. huggable. huggy. aha. you'll call him that then, and you knew he like it as well when he tilted his head to the side before coming over to you to rub the side of his head against your hand as he purs.

• you tried feeding him cat food but he just threw it all up, making a mess on your recently mopped kitchen floor before hissing at you then running away from his bowl. okay, you don't like that, huh? noted. alright, it's time to try another one, (y/n), don't give up! tuna. right. cats love fishes, don't they? or that's what you thought. he took a bite, a small bite. then, he would turn to run away, again, probably to hide from you as he leaves you to wonder for yourself what else you can feed him. for a stray cat, he sure is a picky eater, and that almost annoyed you but you're not giving in, no. if you wanna keep him under your care, then you'll have to be the one who will make the advancements and the efforts here, not him. that's when you thought of cooking some chicken, fried. great. this way, you can eat along with him, sharing the same food. that is, if he'll eat it, and oh, thank the heavens, he did ate it, no hissing and no running away this time.

• is that? is that what you think it is? yes, yes it is. a piece of shit. now who would shit on the floor? not you, obviously. why, of course, it's no one else but huggy, himself, who's lying down on the couch in your living room, cleaning and grooming himself as his whole front body is facing your way. is he mocking you? no, of course not. i mean, he knows to himself that you'll clean it up for him as he leaves you no choice anyway so, this doesn't bother him, not even one bit. you on the other hand, promised to yourself that you will give him a good lesson once he does it again.

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