31: Trust The Process

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When she turned her head she was greeted with Might Guy.


"Yes! It's me!" the boy smiled widely and put his hand on his waist while pointing to his face.

Rin awkwardly nodded, and then looked back at the door where Kakashi and Obito were kept.

Might Guy, noticing Rin's sudden worrisome expression, dropped his act.

He approached her.

"I've heard," he started, walking over to her, and sitting down two seats away from her.

He turned his head to look up at her, her eyes trained to his as well. He scratched the back of his head, looking away again.

"Is Obito and Riv- I mean Kakashi okay?" he finally asked her.

Rin paused, eyes back to the door of their containment, before sighing heavily.

"To be honest, Guy, I... Don't know." they both made eye contact again.

"Obito, when he woke up, just suddenly requested to give up his eye to Kakashi, and-"

"Wait, why?" Might Guy asked, confused over why the Uchiha would give up his eye to the Hatake.

Rin looked taken aback that Guy would cut her off, but she recovered easily and shook her head.

"An enemy nin... Slashed his left eye." she responded plainly, though sadness was evident in her voice.

Might Guy may be stupid at times, but he knew that Kakashi meant more than a friend to Rin, and because they were made teammates that infatuation became more than just a crush.

He nodded in understanding. "So that's why..."

Might Guy didn't hide the tinge of the same sadness as Rin in his voice, knowing Kakashi no longer possessed his eye, but the news that Rin first handed out to him about Obito giving him one of his, he became hopeful.

His mouth tilted upward.

"That's..." Rin looked at him. "...alright!"

At his choice of words, Rin raised a brow. Her face showed that of pure confusion.

Guy smiled widely again like before.

"Rival is strong, and, despite not being clear, Obito is, too! They'd make it, because they both have the power of youth, just like the rest of us!" he pumped his fist in the air with a now-turned goofy, yet confident smile.

He turned back to Rin.

"Right, Rin?"

Rin stared at Guy, her face almost expressionless.


Then, she felt tears grace her cheeks.

Guy looked panicked as he noticed the  moisture in her eyes, which then transformed to full-fledged tears.

The boy started to look around, hoping to find someone to be able to comfort her, but to no avail.

Without anyone around to do it, his face contorted into more panic. He then waved his hand around in an attempt to call someone if his voice didn't work, but his voice was loud enough and it was obvious everyone is just busy in the hospital.

Rin wiped her eyes of the tears with her sleeve before sniffing and giggling at Guy's hopeless antics.

Might Guy turned to look at her in confusion as to why she was suddenly giggling, just after crying.

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