3~Trial and Error

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Hey everybody!

This chapter's song rec is:

Castle by Halsey.

Hope you enjoy! Happy reading!


When sophie awoke, still loopy from whatever drugs were still in her system, she was alone in a bare, chilly cell.

No, really. Completely bare.

The bright white walls and floors had no cracks, no gaps where a door might be.

Panic flooded her system. Where was she? Who put her in here? Where were her weapons? What had happened to the others?

She felt like she was pushed back into those days of her kidnapping.

She desperately tried to keep down the flashbacks, but to no avail.

She started screaming for help. She pounded on the walls, begging to be released.

When her voice was hoarse and her hands raw, she finally stops. No one was letting her out.

She crawled into a corner and hugged her knees to her chest. Then more questions crowded her mind. What had happened back at the Neverseen base? Where did the things they stole go? What time was it? What day was it?

Then the memory of the man in the base slapped her in the face. The man that she-

No. That couldn't have been real.

Could it have been?

Could that be why she was here?

But how could anyone have found out about that so quickly?

Memories began crumbling.

She was stopped from processing further when two figures appeared in a hole in the wall, right in front of a bulkier one.

Or a doorway. Whatever.

The elves ran forward and engulfed her in a hug.

Her parents.

"I'm so sorry-"

"They wouldn't let us see you-"

"Are you hurt?" Edaline asked, wiping the tears off of Sophie's face.

She didn't realize she was crying.

"I'm okay. I think they healed any injuries while I was unconscious," She assured. "What's going on? Where am i?"

"You're in the holding chambers below tribunal Hall, " Grady scowled. " the Council won't tell us why."

Someone coughed behind them.

Sophie turned to see Tam and Fitz in the cell.

"Do you have any idea why you're in prison?" Tam asked, getting straight to the point.

Her thoughts flashed to the man's screams, but that's a secret she would have to carry to her grave.

No one could ever know about that.

"No. I don't," she lied. "What happened to the others?"

"Marella and linh are being questioned with the rest of Team Valiant, but Biana is in her own cell. She woke up a bit before you," Fitz answered.

"And Keefe?" It was a small hope, but right now it was all she had.

Fitz gave her a sad look and grabbed his forearm.

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