Welcome back to my bullshit!
This chapter is back with Sophie's POV, and also back to the normal feel of the story.
Happy reading!
Sophie woke up drowsily next to Biana, her forehead softly pressed against hers. She wanted to stay wrapped in her arms a little while longer, but she had already made plans for that day that couldn't wait.
She gently pulled away, rolling over to the other side of the bed.
Lightly treading across the room, she made her way over to the bathroom. The first glimpses of morning sunlight cast dim rays through the windows, lighting the way past a table and the two large beds.
When she got into the bathroom, she changed into her outfit. A pair of black and white pants and a black shirt.
She stared at herself in the mirror, running her hands through her short purple hair. She enjoyed the change. She embraced it wholeheartedly. Her human parents would have flipped if they had found out she had cut and dyed her hair. The thought made her heart ache from wounds that had been hidden too long.
She pushed the pain down. She didn't have time to reminisce over things she couldn't change. It would only lead to the rest of her shit falling apart. If it wasn't too late for that.
Her memories had kept shattering. Almost all of them had the threads of anger that were keeping them together. Often, throbbing headaches popped up, usually out of nowhere. That was one of the effects that she hadn't expected. Of course, she already had plenty of experience with headaches.
She sighed and noiselessly exited the hotel room, out into the hall where Marella was already waiting.
She spotted marella immediately, who did the same and shoved something Sophie didn't recognize into one of the pockets of her navy blue jeans.
"So where are we going?" Marella whispered, moving closer.
Sophie walked down the hall with Marella keeping pace beside her. "There's an abandoned skate park I know. That should be secluded and fireproof enough."
Marella nodded as they strode out of the hotel and into the chilly early morning air.
Sophie took a deep breath, breathing in a whole lot of the polluted air that was so different from the elven air she had grown used to.They strolled past almost empty streets, pedestrians almost non-existent so early on the morning, with the sun only barely visible.
The further they walked the emptier the road was, to the point where when they finally breached thier destination they could barely hear traffic.
The skate park was as secluded as it could get in a city like San Diego. It was shrouded in trees with only two concrete paths leading to it. When they drew closer, they found the small park littered with leaves and twigs. Benches sat surrounding the edge of the ramps for spectators.
Sophie slid down too the bottom of a dipped ramp and waited for Marella to join her. She hesitated before going around to the shorter side to slide down.
"So... How should we do this?" Sophie asked as Marella sat across from her.
"... I don't really know. I've never trained anyone in pyrokinesis. I've only been trained. Maybe try summoning some fire and see what we're working with?"
Sophie had been suppressing the fire's call since what happened at exile. It was no easy task. Every time she had come into contact with anything even remotely hot, it's calls spring on her, desperate for her to let it be free.

These Savage Wolves ~ A Kotlc au
Fanfic*Not my art* Sophie Foster is breaking. Breaking from never, ever being enough. But when the Black Swan discover a Neverseen hideout and they refuse to act, she's ready to take things into her own hands. And she might not be alone. Because a dea...