5~ No Time To Dye

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This chapter is mostly fluff. There is some important plot mixed in there though.

Super sorry for the late chapter! I got sick. (No, it's not COVID.)

New POV!

Anyway, here's your song recs:

Girls like girls


Sleepover by Hayley Kiyoko



Biana's POV:

Entangled arms dragged Biana to concrete as the group was shoved out of the void.

Blazing sunlight warmed her skin, making whatever chill remained from exile quickly vanish. The faint wind in the branches of gently swaying trees would have been refreshing, if it weren't for her current situation.

She jumped to her feet. Where did Sophie teleport them to?

"Is she conscious?" Dex quipped from behind her.

Biana turned around to find a very pale, sweaty Sophie. She definitely wasn't ok.
It didn't look like she was awake either.

Biana knelt down and put two fingers on her wrist, relieved to find a steady heartbeat.

"She'll be ok in a few minutes." She wasn't exactly a physician, but she continued anyway. "In the mean time, we need to figure out what to do, and where we are."

"What can we do? Our only guide to the forbidden cities is useless, we have no money, and to top it all off, we have to make sure no one gets suspicious if an unconscious body!" Ranted a panicked Marella.

Linh scooted closer to her and put her hand on her shoulder. "Whoa. Ok. Everything is going to be fine. We just have to wait until Sophie wakes up, then we can go figure out what to do next."

Just then, a groan resonated from next to biana.

"Oh god. Everything hurts. I'm dying." Sophie complained.

"Oh, thank god. You're alive." Dex sighed with relief.

"I wouldn't be so sure yet," Sophie warned. She promptly made a gut churning wretch, then turned to her side and vomited.

All of them quickly scrambled back, some of them wretching themselves.

Linh stared at her, her face taking on an incredibly green shade. "You good?"

Sophie rose to her feet while Marella rolled her eyes.

"Of course. Clearly that's why she threw up. No other reason."

Sophie's legs were shaking so much it looked like she would collapse any moment. Biana rushed over to her, sliding an arm under her shoulders.

A faint blush lit up both of the girls' faces.

The others shared a glance between them, which only made the girls blush harder.

"So... What now? Biana asked, breaking the silence.

"Well, we clearly aren't welcome back in the lost cities." Sophie paused, letting the impossible truth settle in. She stared down at her plain white outfit. "We should get new clothes. We can't go around looking like we just escaped prison."

She had a point. The few Passerbys in the parking lot were already giving them weird stares.

"Where even are are we? " Dex was spinning around, taking their surroundings.

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