9~ The Decision

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She's back bitches!

Super sorry for the long hiatus, my friend just got out of the mental hospital. And at hte same time i got covid. Also i'm pretty sure i came out to my mom on accident, but i'm not sure. And on top of that my parents are pressuring me into pursuing a hobby that makes me incredibly more depressed. Also i'm pretty sure i lost my best friend. Again super sorry i'll try to be more consistent i just needed to vent for a sec there.

Song rec:

Have fun!


The sun shone through the thin fog on a brisk morning in Paris. A chilly wind blew through Sophie's cropped hair. Birds chirped a waking melody as she sat on a hotel balcony with a cup of coffee warming her hands.

"Morning," Laura mumbled with a gravely voice as she stepped out onto the balcony and flopped down on the chair across from her.

"Morning," Sophie responded distantly, lost in thought.

It had been two days since she left the note on the bridge. During that time, Laura and her had found a hotel to stay at to wait for Dex.

As those days passed, Laura seemed to really comprehend her situation. The only time she talked to Sophie was when she showed her how to block human thoughts, and even then she was serious and quiet.

Sophie had tried to make her feel better, knowing what she was going through in those first days after finding out about... everything. But she was stubbornly closed off, though she did understand why she didn't trust her. She had teleported her to France with no warning, barely an hour after she met her. She would have been suspicious too.

So it came to her as a surprise when Laura asked, "So, what's your plan?"

Sophie turned towards her from where she had been staring into the distance. "We need to be at my house at dusk. My friend should be waiting there. We just need to make sure we don't alert the patrols-"

"You have patrols at your house? Are you rich or something?"

She took a moment to answer. "I used to be." Her voice came out soft.

She cleared her throat and contiued. "Anyway, we need to make sure we don't alert the patrols, or my parents. We'll meet in the caves, but we'll only have a about fifteen minutes before high tide,"

"What are we supposed to do when we get there?"

"I don't know. We'll figure it out when we get there."

Laura fell silent for a long moment before she spoke again. "And what about me? Where do I fit in to all of this? I don't exactly have much experience with rebellions."

That was something Sophie had been considering, too. Laura was valuable to the Black Swan, and to the council if they knew she exsisted. They could see her as a second chance. And assuming she had the same abilities as Sophie, she was powerful.

But at the same time, introducing another moonlark would be incredibly risky for several reasons.

For one, Laura could be treated far more harshly than Sophie because of what she has done in the past. Or she could be readily pushed into the Black Swan and Team Valiant far earlier than she should be.

It was a lose-lose for her if she went to live in the lost cities.

"I suppose that's up to you," Sophie told her, drained the last of the coffee from the cup and left her sitting alone on the balcony.


Dusk took far too long to arrive.

"Are you ready?" Sophie asked as she tugged the sleeve of her jacket over the metal knife she had stolen from the hotel.

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