I Have To Find Him

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So many bodies, far too many. So many lives were taken away too early. How could I possibly get to them all? Would I be able to get to the ones I'd been so desperate to find?

I had to actively force myself to stop thinking like that, but when you're surrounded by nothing but death, how can it not affect your mind?

As I turned a corner, I let out a small scream. When I'd come here, I'd expected dead bodies, but nothing like this. Some poor soul splattered against the wall like a rotten tomato smashed against a board. You couldn't even tell what part of them was what anymore.

"What could possibly have done this?"

The ghost children who roam these halls will kill anyone in whichever cruel way they feel like doing. The very same could happen to you if they should find you.

"No one should ever have to suffer like that." Sachiko guided my hand and soon the victim's last moments played inside of my mind. She had been thrown against the wall at a speed that could only have been possible through the ghost children. One of the ghosts was a girl who was missing her left eye, the other was what I assumed was a girl with most of her head gone.

But, of all of it, the one thing that got to me was what the girl had called out in her last moments. It may have only been in her mind, but it didn't matter.

She'd been calling out to the one she cared about most. Shig. That was Mayu's nickname for Sakutaro. I'd always suspected she loved him, now I knew. Even without her ID, I knew it had to be her.

I couldn't help myself, I started crying. To be honest, I didn't really know why. Maybe it just touched a part of me I didn't even know was really there anymore.

As the memory faded, I impulsively hugged her unconscious body. "I'll find him for you no matter what it takes," I promised her, though I was sure she couldn't hear me. That didn't matter though. A promise is a promise. Before I knew it, she was gone.

"I promise," I said, wiping the tears from my eyes. This promise must be kept, no matter what it takes. Even if it took my own life to do it, they had to be brought back together.

As I started walking away, I could have sworn I'd heard her voice in my mind. Though it was probably just my imagination.Thank you.

No familiar faces were found for quite a while after I'd found Mayu. Thankfully, none of the bodies had suffered deaths as brutal and demented as hers. Sure, some stood out a bit more than others, but nothing near what happened to her.

A few, I noticed, were killed by the same person. A real, sane, person. Well, maybe not so sane, but he wasn't insane from this place. He was mysterious and the name was never encountered within the memory. Had I been able to search the victim's memories at will, I'm sure I could have found out. Though, had he been alive in here still, I'd at least know to be wary of him.

It wasn't long until I'd encountered him. Fortunately for me, he was dead. Sure, it meant more work for me, but it also meant I didn't have to worry about him trying to kill me.

Yuuya Kizami. I found his name in his head while his last few memories played out. For being a sociopath, he did have a nice name.

He'd been struck from behind with a hammer, but that wasn't the worst of it. Just before, he'd been chasing someone. He'd kept calling after her, saying her name and shouting something about her big brother. Yuka. I knew that name, but how do I know it? I couldn't remember where I'd heard it before.

It didn't matter now anyway. Something about him made me feel uneasy. Would he only repeat the things he'd done the first time? Or would he realize just what he'd done and change everything? I wasn't sure that I really wanted to know.

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